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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Holy Name wins ‘Convent Classico’


863 days ago


Holy Name Con­vent de­feat­ed St Joseph’s Con­vent 3-2 dur­ing their Sec­ondary School Foot­ball League Girls Cham­pi­onship match at the St Joseph’s Con­vent Grounds at Fed­er­a­tion Park, Port-of-Spain on Thurs­day.

It was the bat­tle of the North Zone lead­ers Holy Name Con­vent led by the pro­lif­ic scor­er Jes­si­ca Har­ra­gin and the sec­ond-place team St Joseph’s Con­vent in the sea­son’s sec­ond match-up.

Holy Name got the go-ahead goal from Chaya Vin­cent in 17th-minute to put her team out front, how­ev­er, to lev­el the sea­son two-match se­ries 1-1, Mikaela Year­wood net­ted in the 20th minute and Char­lotte Hadeed ex­tend­ed the lead when she found the back of the net in the 49th-minute for St Joseph’s Con­vent. With both teams be­ing spurred on by their sup­port­ers it was Har­ra­gin, who rose to the oc­ca­sion and con­nect­ed with strikes in the 55th and 66th min­utes to de­ny the home team vic­to­ry and a share of the sea­son “Clas­si­co” ho­n­ours.

Holy Name record­ed a 4-2 vic­to­ry in the team’s first meet­ing.

The teams will now shift their at­ten­tion to the In­ter­Col.

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