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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

ISPS dethrones Dunross Prep


Kelvin 'N'
118 days ago
Dunross Prepartory School's custodian Maddox Selby attempts to push a header from International School of Port of Spain's Jose Soliman (No 22) during the POS & Environs Primary Schools Football League finals at the Diego Martin Sporting Complex, Ken Valley Road, Diego Martin, yesterday. ISPS won 6-1.

Dunross Prepartory School's custodian Maddox Selby attempts to push a header from International School of Port of Spain's Jose Soliman (No 22) during the POS & Environs Primary Schools Football League finals at the Diego Martin Sporting Complex, Ken Valley Road, Diego Martin, yesterday. ISPS won 6-1.


The In­ter­na­tion­al School of Port-of-Spain (ISPS) on Wednes­day gave a com­mand­ing per­for­mance in stop­ping last year's cham­pi­on Dun­ross Prepara­to­ry in yes­ter­day's fi­nal of the 11 and Un­der Boys' fi­nal in the Sports and Games Port-of-Spain and En­vi­rons Pri­ma­ry School Foot­ball Fi­nal.

Thou­sands of school chil­dren came out to sup­port their schools at the Diego Mar­tin Re­gion­al Sport­ing Com­plex. The day was worth it, with new cham­pi­ons be­ing crowned in all age groups.

Dun­ross Prep, which has played un­beat­en in the league, could have been one down in the first 40 sec­onds of the match but its cus­to­di­an Mad­dox Sel­by saved the day.

How­ev­er, in the fifth minute, Liam Farah put ISPS in­to the lead. Jose Sol­man kept press­ing the Dun­ross de­fence but it wasn't un­til William Shaw blast­ed past the Dun­ross cus­to­di­an to put their team up 2-0.

ISPS was in the as­cen­dan­cy and Pernek Walkins added a well-placed side-foot­er past the keep­er to put his team in the cosy po­si­tion with the score 3-0.

In the sec­ond ses­sion, ISPS con­tin­ued to press and got an­oth­er goal in the 25th minute from Jax­son Rizk, the di­vi­sion's top goalscor­er. Not too long af­ter in the 28th minute, Walkins added a sec­ond to push the game be­yond Dun­ross. Con­nor Knag­gs got in­to the scor­ing zone and he put one away past the Dun­ross cus­to­di­an.

In the fi­nal two min­utes, D'An­ge­lo Sankar pulled one back for Dun­ross Prep.

At the blast of ref­er­ee Jerome Wal­ter's whis­tle, it was all over as ISPS walked away with a fan­tas­tic 6-1 vic­to­ry over Dun­ross Prep. A game which many ex­pect­ed to be a tie-break­er turned out to be a romp for the 2024 cham­pi­ons ISPS.

In the open­ing match, the Un­der-15 fi­nal be­tween Nel­son Street Boys RC and Bel­mont Gov­ern­ment. Nel­son Street Boys, the favourites, were first to strike in the sev­enth minute through Kayshawn Cox, the top goalscor­er in the league.

Nel­son Street con­tin­ued the at­tack and got their sec­ond goal from Isaac Sim­mons who lat­er won the "Most Valu­able Play­er" award. Isaac re­peat­ed the dosage be­fore Bel­mont Gov't cap­tain Tyrese Pauline scored an ex­cel­lent free kick to pull one back. The score now 3-1.

On the re­sump­tion, Nel­son Street went fur­ther ahead through Kaz­im George and that cer­tain­ly sealed the game.

Pauline dou­bled up for Bel­mont but it was Nel­son Street Boys win­ning by a 4-2 mar­gin.

Ho­n­our roll

Play­er of The Year: Pernek Walkins (ISPS)

11 and Un­der Boys

Top goalscor­er: Jax­son Rizk (ISPS)

Most Valu­able Play­er: Pernek Walkins (ISPS)

Fi­nal MVP: Con­nor Knag­gs (ISPS)

U-15 Boys

Top goalscor­er: Kayshawn Cox (Nel­son Street Boys)

Most Valu­able Play­er: Isaac Sim­mons (Nel­son Street Boys)

Fi­nal MVP: Isaac Sim­mons (Nel­son Street Boys)

Wednes­day's re­sults


11 and Un­der Boys

Dun­ross Prep 1 (D'An­ge­lo Sankar) vs ISPS 6 (Pernek Walkins 2, Liam Farah, William Shaw, Con­nor Knag­gs, Jax­son Rizk)

Un­der 15 Boys:

Bel­mont Gov't 2 (Tyrese Pauline 2) vs Nel­son Street Boys RC 4 (Isaac Sim­mons 2, Kayshawn Cox, Kaz­im George)

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