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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Look Loy: Ramdhan is not TTFA spokesman


Walter Alibey
1605 days ago
Keith Look Loy - Super League President & TTFA Board member

Keith Look Loy - Super League President & TTFA Board member

Found­ing Unit­ed T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion (TTFA) mem­ber Kei­th Look Loy has re­fut­ed a news­pa­per re­port by for­mer TTFA gen­er­al sec­re­tary Ramesh Ramd­han, that his group was set to re­sume talks with mar­ket­ing rep­re­sen­ta­tive Pe­ter Miller, as well as con­tin­ue dis­cus­sions for col­lab­o­ra­tion be­tween UK firm Laven­der, the Ari­ma Bor­ough Cor­po­ra­tion and the Gov­ern­ment for the con­struc­tion of a mul­ti-pur­pose fa­cil­i­ty above the Ari­ma Velo­drome.

Ramd­han was at­tempt­ing to high­light ear­li­er dis­cus­sions the group had with the Board of the TTFA and oth­er stake­hold­ers, as part of an over­all plan to de­vel­op and struc­ture T&T foot­ball, and Miller and the Laven­der deal were just part of it.

The over­all plan en­tailed ways in which funds were to be gen­er­at­ed by the group, rang­ing from spon­sors to en­dorse­ment, to the sale of items, to tv rights from foot­ball ini­tia­tive, among many oth­ers.

Ramd­han be­lieved the sport’s mem­ber­ship need­ed to be aware of these plans ahead of and af­ter to­day’s rul­ing by the lo­cal court on the de­ci­sion of FI­FA to ap­point a Nor­mal­i­sa­tion Com­mit­tee to re­place the Unit­ed TTFA as the le­git­i­mate man­agers of lo­cal foot­ball.

Unit­ed TTFA head William Wal­lace has al­ready said in a let­ter that if the court rules in their favour, they will con­vene an Emer­gency Gen­er­al Meet­ing (EGM) among the mem­ber­ship to de­cide on the way for­ward.

He not­ed al­so that if the court rules against them, they will drop the case against FI­FA and al­low the nor­mal­i­sa­tion com­mit­tee led by busi­ness­man Robert Hadad to gov­ern the af­fairs of lo­cal foot­ball.

FI­FA has al­ready sus­pend­ed the TTFA for vi­o­la­tion of the Statutes and Ramd­han be­lieves it could be a bless­ing in dis­guise, as his group would get the op­por­tu­ni­ty to im­ple­ment their plans which will be for the bet­ter­ment of the sport.

On Wednes­day, how­ev­er, Look Loy said that Ramd­han was not speak­ing on his be­half or on the be­half of any mem­ber of the TTFA, which was re­cent­ly re­duced to five fol­low­ing the res­ig­na­tion of vice pres­i­dent Su­san Joseph-War­rick. She al­so stepped down from the her post as pres­i­dent of the Women’s League Foot­ball (WoLF).

Look Loy said: “One, the TTFA Board nev­er ap­proved, know­ing­ly or un­know­ing­ly, the con­tracts held by Ramd­han, Fen­wick and Miller; Two, I, and oth­er Unit­ed TTFA mem­bers, have al­ways held that these con­tracts should be chal­lenged in law; Three, the debt re­duc­tion pro­pos­al ad­vanced by Unit­ed TTFA nev­er pro­gressed be­cause, al­though the Ari­ma May­or was open to a dis­cus­sion, the gov­ern­ment failed to re­spond to ap­proach­es from Laven­der.

“There was no con­tract for Laven­der to do any­thing. By the way, Hadad’s pro­pos­al for debt re­duc­tion, as stat­ed on tele­vi­sion, is to ask the gov­ern­ment and FI­FA to pay it; Four, I don’t know who Ramd­han is speak­ing to or on be­half of but he is not my spokesman or that of oth­er Unit­ed TTFA mem­bers who I have spo­ken to re­gard­ing this ar­ti­cle.”

Con­tact­ed Ramd­han, who has been sus­pend­ed by nor­mal­i­sa­tion com­mit­tee chair­man Hadad and is cur­rent­ly chal­leng­ing the de­ci­sion in the lo­cal court, told Guardian Me­dia Sports he did not want to com­ment fur­ther on the mat­ter.

Ramd­han was giv­en a con­tro­ver­sial two-year con­tract which was not ap­proved by the Board of Di­rec­tors of the TTFA , but by pres­i­dent William Wal­lace, who claimed he was act­ing ac­cord­ing to the TTFA’s con­sti­tu­tion.

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