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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Loraine leads Signal Hill to 20-nil win


Rachael Thompson-King - Snr. Sports Reporter
1949 days ago

Ce­line Lo­raine put on an­oth­er amaz­ing scor­ing per­for­mance, net­ting five goals to pi­lot Sig­nal Hill Sec­ondary School to a mas­sive 20-0 win over Good­wood in the To­ba­go Zone Girls' Cham­pi­onships of the Shell/First Cit­i­zens Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League on Sun­day.

Lo­raine's ef­fort kept Sig­nal Hill's flaw­less record in­tact, lead­ing the zone with an un­reach­able 27 points from nine wins. Good­wood had no an­swer for Sig­nal Hill, who had Dil­lea­sia Nichol­son step­ping up to con­nect four and five play­ers, in­clud­ing Tiah Crichlow, Gamelia Wal­dron, Ashante Wil­son-Camp­bell, De­r­isha Bris­tol and Aaliyah Al­varez, each scor­ing a dou­ble. Je­lese Alexan­der net­ted the oth­er item in the one-sided match-up.

On Thurs­day, Sig­nal Hill con­firmed their spot in the Big Five com­pe­ti­tion, which is card­ed for Oc­to­ber 31 with the Cen­tral cham­pi­on Cara­pichaima East meet­ing the even­tu­al East Zone win­ner in the quar­ter­fi­nals at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um in Cou­va from 3.30 pm.

Cara­pichaima earned the zon­al ti­tle on Sun­day af­ter beat­ing Mir­a­cle Min­istries 4-1 to move to 19 points (six wins, a draw and a loss), two ahead of clos­est chal­lenger Holy Faith Con­vent Cou­va, who had a blowout 15-0 win against Ch­agua­nas South and end­ed with 17 points from five wins two draws and a loss.

The win­ner in the East Zone is yet to be de­cid­ed as a two-team bat­tle be­tween El Do­ra­do East and Five Rivers Sec­ondary con­tin­ues. "El Do" strength­en their po­si­tion af­ter crush­ing Bish­op Anstey East 7-0. Five Rivers' run was put on pause as their match ver­sus Man­zanil­la did not play.

In the first "Big Five" semi­fi­nal match card­ed for No­vem­ber 3 at St Mary's Col­lege grounds in Port-of-Spain, Sig­nal Hill will meet North Zone win­ner Holy Name Con­vent from 3 pm.

Holy Name sealed the North ti­tle on Thurs­day and on the week­end over­pow­ered Suc­cess Laven­tille 8-2 in a match at Fa­ti­ma Grounds. Analeisse Arneaud led the scor­ing with three goals. Her team­mate Chaya Vin­cent put in a pair of goals and Ha­vana Ramdeen one while the oth­er two items came off of own goals.

The oth­er Big Five semi­fi­nal will see South cham­pi­ons Pleas­antville fac­ing by the win­ner of the quar­ter­fi­nal be­tween East and Cen­tral at the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um in Mara­bel­la.

Pleas­antville like­ly had their low­est-scor­ing win of the sea­son in de­feat­ing Fyz­abad An­gli­can 6-0 on the week­end. Re­li­able scor­er Alex­cia Ali still hit three and team­mates Chris­sy Mitchell, Aa­lyi­ah Pas­call and Lat­ifha Pas­call each put in one goal.



Scar­bor­ough 2 (De­Shanel Al­leyne, Kaleah Duke) v Spey­side 1 (Tyrese Coop­er). MVPs: Scar­bor­ough Duke, Ayesha Lei­th; Spey­side - Gamali Alexan­der, Di­a­mond Kent).

Sig­nal Hill 20 (Ce­line Lo­raine 5, Dil­lea­sia Nichol­son 4, Tiah Crichlow 2, Gamelia Wal­dron 2, Ashante Wil­son-Camp­bell 2, De­r­isha Bris­tol 2, Aaliyah Al­varez 2, Je­lese Alexan­der) v Good­wood 0. MVPs: Tamia Al­fred, Dil­lea­sia Nichol­son; Good­wood - Di­a­mond Arthur Petal Agard.


Fyz­abad 2 (Meli­na Far­in­ha, Des­tiny Ed­wards) v Point Fortin East 0

Pleas­antville 6 (Alex­i­ca Ali 3, Chris­sy Mitchell, Aa­lyi­ah Pas­call, Lat­ifha Pas­call) v Fyz­abad An­gli­can 0


St Joseph Con­vent 2 (Han­nah Viei­ig, Char­lotte Hadeed) v Tran­quil­i­ty 5 (Daniel­la Carr 3, Oya Harp­er 2)

Holy Name 8 (Analeisse Arneaud 3, Chaya Vin­cent 2, Ha­vana Ramdeen, 2 own goals) v Suc­cess Laven­tille 2

Bish­op Anstey 6 (Maria­malia Solano 2, Joan­na Kennedy, Aris­sa Ro­many, Rae­sa Ali, Jane­cia El­lis) v Diego Mar­tin Cen­tral 0


Cara­pichaima East 4 v Mir­a­cle Min­istries 1

Holy Faith Cou­va 15 v Ch­agua­nas South 0


East Zone

San Juan North 2 v Va­len­cia Sec­ondary 0

El Do­ra­do East 7 v Bish­op Anstey East 0

Man­zanil­la Sec­ondary v Five Rivers - Did not play


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