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Friday, March 14, 2025

Ministry of Sport, GPL say CPL power outage not their fault


Sport Desk
163 days ago
Some of the floodlights at the National Stadium malfunctioned, causing the game between the Barbados Royals and Trinbago Knight Riders to be delayed for over two hours.

Some of the floodlights at the National Stadium malfunctioned, causing the game between the Barbados Royals and Trinbago Knight Riders to be delayed for over two hours.

PROV­I­DENCE – The Guyana Pow­er and Light Com­pa­ny Inc (GPL) and the Min­istry of Cul­ture, Youth and Sport have dis­tanced them­selves from the em­bar­rass­ing pow­er out­age which sig­nif­i­cant­ly af­fect­ed the Caribbean Pre­mier League play­off con­test be­tween the Trin­ba­go Knight Rid­ers and Bar­ba­dos Roy­als in Guyana on Mon­day night.

Faulty flood­lights re­sult­ed in the match be­ing de­layed by over two hours with the Roy­als even­tu­al­ly win­ning by nine wick­ets af­ter their in­nings was re­duced to five overs.

Fol­low­ing the pow­er out­age at the Na­tion­al Sta­di­um, the GPL made it clear that the Sta­di­um is pow­ered by in­de­pen­dent gen­er­at­ing sets and that GPL’s tech­ni­cians were on­ly on stand­by to as­sist with any is­sue.

In a late-night joint state­ment, the Min­istry of Cul­ture, Youth and Sport and the GPL ex­plained that three of the six flood­lights at the Na­tion­al Sta­di­um lost pow­er dur­ing the crick­et match.

Ac­cord­ing to the state­ment, all CPL match­es at the Prov­i­dence Sta­di­um are pow­ered from in­de­pen­dent gen­er­at­ing sets lo­cat­ed in the Na­tion­al Sta­di­um and not by the GPL grid.

GPL said it has been on stand­by at all match­es to ren­der tech­ni­cal as­sis­tance to the Sta­di­um at all times.

It was ex­plained that when the flood­lights went down, the GPL tech­ni­cal team on stand­by im­me­di­ate­ly be­gan ren­der­ing as­sis­tance and re­stored pow­er to two of three flood­lights on the same cir­cuit.

The joint state­ment said the Sta­di­um’s tech­ni­cal staff and GPL worked as­sid­u­ous­ly to re­store pow­er to the third flood­light which had a tech­ni­cal fault with the un­der­ground ca­ble feed­ing pow­er to that flood­light.

A sub­sti­tute ca­ble was in­stalled to have the flood­light op­er­a­tional and that was achieved just be­fore 11 p.m.

The Sport Min­istry and GPL have now promised that ad­di­tion­al tech­ni­cal as­sess­ment will be done im­me­di­ate­ly af­ter the game to avoid any re­oc­cur­rence.

There were two sim­i­lar in­ci­dents in­volv­ing the same flood lights at the Prov­i­dence Sta­di­um re­cent­ly.

One of those in­ci­dents took place dur­ing the fi­nals of a T10 tour­na­ment and the oth­er in­ci­dent took place dur­ing a prac­tice ses­sion of the Ama­zon War­riors crick­et team.

Ear­li­er this week, the Ma­chin­ery Cor­po­ra­tion of Guyana Lim­it­ed, (MA­CORP) an­nounced its role in pow­er­ing the Guyana Na­tion­al Sta­di­um for the CPL play­offs and fi­nal games.

In a state­ment is­sued pri­or to Mon­day’s match, MA­CORP said its “CAT XQC M1600 Mod­ule cut­ting-edge pow­er so­lu­tion is fu­el­ing en­er­gy both on and off the field, en­sur­ing un­in­ter­rupt­ed elec­tric­i­ty and pow­er­ful per­for­mance.

“With its pow­er­ful ca­pa­bil­i­ties and adapt­able fea­tures, the XQC1600 guar­an­tees re­li­able pow­er for the sta­di­um, help­ing to main­tain the elec­tri­fy­ing at­mos­phere of the CPL – fa­mous­ly known as “the biggest par­ty in sports.”

Among some of its fea­tures in­clud­ed sound-at­ten­u­at­ed de­sign, dual fre­quen­cy ca­pa­bil­i­ty, grid syn­chro­niza­tion, an im­pres­sive pow­er ca­pac­i­ty, am­ple fu­el sup­ply, and cus­tomiz­able cir­cuit pro­tec­tion.


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