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Monday, March 3, 2025

Molino not taking Montserrat lightly


Walter Alibey
1342 days ago
T&T midfielder Kevin Molino

T&T midfielder Kevin Molino

Kevin Moli­no, on re­turn from in­jury, is promis­ing to give his all to bring back the smiles on the faces of the T&T's fans and coun­try.

The Colum­bus Crew at­tack­ing mid­field­er has come in­to the team just when an­oth­er key play­er, Jo­evin Jones was ruled out due to in­jury. Moli­no had some words of en­cour­age­ment and com­fort for his team­mate, al­so shar­ing in an in­ter­view yes­ter­day that he is ex­cit­ed to be back in the T&T team and is ea­ger to help the team get the re­sult, it needs.

The So­ca War­riors, now un­der new coach An­gus Eve, will need to get a win against Montser­rat when the two teams meet in a CON­CA­CAF Gold Cup qual­i­fi­er on Fri­day at the DRV PNK Sta­di­um in Fort Laud­erdale.  

The re­ward for a win against the Montser­ra­tians is the right to face the win­ner of ei­ther Cu­ba or French Guiana for a place in the group phase of the Gold Cup.

Moli­no’s ar­rival com­pletes the cadre of over­seas-based pro­fes­sion­als who were ex­pect­ed to join the team to be­gin prepa­ra­tion - for­mu­lat­ing a struc­ture of play, cou­pled with a strat­e­gy for the Montser­ra­tians. That prepa­ra­tion be­gan yes­ter­day at the South Coun­ty Re­gion­al Park.

Moli­no be­lieves a good re­sult on Fri­day lies in their prepa­ra­tion and ap­proach.

“Once we work to­geth­er as a team, it’s pos­si­ble to win. If you look at the Eu­ros what hap­pens. Foot­ball is played on the day, it’s not on pa­per.

"So we have to go in­to each and every game with the right men­tal­i­ty. Play Montser­rat as though we’re play­ing Mex­i­co. And we just have to con­tin­ue pro­gress­ing in train­ing. We know it’s a new staff and new play­ers in the mix, but we need to go out there and give it our best shot. Work hard, but not just for us but for the peo­ple back home who have been suf­fer­ing be­cause of the coro­n­avirus (COVID-19)."

Na­tion­al coach Eve was ex­pect­ed to se­lect his 23-man team for the match yes­ter­day which would re­quire him to cut just three play­ers. But with Jones, go­ing down in­jured, Eve would now be re­quired to drop just two.

Moli­no, speak­ing about the in­jury to his fel­low Care­nage res­i­dent and close friend, said Jones’ in­jury is a huge blow for the T&T team, but he not­ed al­so that it would present an op­por­tu­ni­ty for some of the younger play­ers on the team. 

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