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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Pleasantville scores 28 in Girls SSFL again


498 days ago
Jada shepherd of Pleasantville who scored 9 goals.

Jada shepherd of Pleasantville who scored 9 goals.

Ja­da Shep­herd banged in nine goals as Pleas­antville Sec­ondary reg­is­tered their sec­ond 28-0 mar­gin of vic­to­ry this sea­son in the South Zone of the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL) Girls Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion at the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um, Train­ing Field, Mara­bel­la on Thurs­day.

Hav­ing crushed Princes Town West 28-0 on Sun­day, Oc­to­ber 1 led by 14 goals from na­tion­al youth team play­er Niki­ta Go­sine, Pleas­antville re­peat­ed the same score line in their maul­ing of Pa­lo Seco Sec­ondary with Go­sine (N) adding six goals, Taye-Ann Wylie scor­ing four, Na­talia Go­sine three, and the pair of Maya Wong, and Aman­da Nanan chipped in with two goals each.

Pleas­antville who have scored 91 goals with­out con­ced­ing al­so got strikes from Gio­van­na Sher­wood, and Kae­ley Mar­tin in their fifth win from as many match­es to lead the five-team stand­ings with a max­i­mum of 15 points, three ahead of St Joseph Con­vent (San Fer­nan­do) who have played a match more.

St Joseph Con­vent (San Fer­nan­do) kept the pres­sure on Pleas­antville in the race for the ti­tle with a 14-0 ham­mer­ing of Princes Town West with the pro­lif­ic Arie Bha­gan al­so scor­ing nine goals, and her sis­ter, Ama­ra Bha­gan a hat trick in the one-sided con­test with Alex­is-Raye Lalchan, and Tis­han Siu, the oth­er scor­ers.

In the East Zone, Myeisha Cox net­ted the lone goal as San Juan North Sec­ondary se­cured a vi­tal 1-0 win against El Do­ra­do East Sec­ondary to move to 18 points from eight match­es and two left to play, while lead­ers Five Rivers Sec­ondary have played sev­en match­es and lead with 19 points af­ter their en­counter against St Au­gus­tine Sec­ondary was post­poned.

In the oth­er match played in the East Zone, na­tion­al play­er Orielle Mar­tin con­tin­ued her rich goalscor­ing form with an­oth­er hat trick, in the 39th, 75th, and 78th minute to in­spire Bish­op’s Anstey East to a 5-3 de­feat of Barataria North Sec­ondary.

Kay­ley No­ray had opened the scor­ing for Bish­op’s East in the 17th minute while Emil­ly Har­ri­lal al­so net­ted in the 50th to can­cel out Shaquil­la Daniel’s brace for Barataria North in the 42nd, and 52nd min­utes af­ter Ali­cia Roberts had briefly tied up the score at 1-1 in the 30th.

Over in To­ba­go, reign­ing na­tion­al In­ter-Col cham­pi­on Sig­nal Hill moved to the top of the ta­ble on goal dif­fer­ence ahead of reign­ing na­tion­al Girls League cham­pi­ons Scar­bor­ough Sec­ondary.

This af­ter Sig­nal Hill blanked Spey­side Sec­ondary 2-0 with a goal each from Kel­le­cia Tay­lor, and Nao­mi Wal­drop while Scar­bor­ough Sec­ondary was held to a 1-1 draw by Bish­op’s High with Kie­neal Dil­lon and Ty’Kaiya Den­nis the goal scor­ers for their re­spec­tive teams.

Both Sig­nal Hill, and Scar­bor­ough Sec­ondary have 23 points, but while Sig­nal Hill has played ten match­es, Scar­bor­ough has con­test­ed one few­er.

In the North, St Joseph’s Con­vent (PoS) stayed on course to claim the crown af­ter a 3-1 whip­ping of Bish­ops Anstey led by a brace from Scar­lett Cole to push their points tal­ly to 22 and three match­es left, while Bish­ops has 20, and two match­es left in­clud­ing a fi­nal day en­counter with the lead­ers.

Bethany Phillip added the third item for St Joseph’s Con­vent, now with points at the top of the zon­al stand­ings clear of the clos­et chal­lenger.

In the oth­er zon­al match­es, Mal­ick Sec­ondary out­classed Holy Name Con­vent 4-1 while Diego Mar­tin Cen­tral and Tran­quil­li­ty Sec­ondary bat­tled to an en­ter­tain­ing 3-3 draw in the oth­er.

In the Cen­tral Zone, Mir­a­cle Min­istries Pen­te­costal High School thrashed Ch­agua­nas South Sec­ondary 9-0 led by Aaqi­la Vir­gil’s beaver trick.

The duo of Kyan­na Isaac, and Jew­el Ben­jamin scored two goals each for Mir­a­cle Min­istries, and Amiya Cum­ber­batch, one in the win over Ch­agua­nas South.

Else­where, Holy Faith Con­vent (Cou­va) got all five goals from Dana Pacheco in their 5-0 de­feat of Cara­pichaima East Sec­ondary, while Ch­agua­nas North trounced Cara­pichaima West Sec­ondary 3-0 with Shaunelle De Four scor­ing twice, and Nao­mi Bruce, once.

Thurs­day Oc­to­ber 19 re­sults


Bish­op’s High School 1 (Ty’Kaiya Den­nis) vs Scar­bor­ough Sec 1 (Kie­neal Dil­lon)

Sig­nal Hill Sec 2 (Kel­le­cia Tay­lor, Nao­mi Wal­drop) vs Spey­side High 0

Rox­bor­ough Sec vs Ma­son Hall Sec - No ref­er­ee showed up for the game


Five Rivers Sec vs St Au­gus­tine Sec - post­poned

San Juan North 1 (Myeisha Cox) vs El Do­ra­do East 0

Bish­op Anstey East 5 (Orielle Mar­tin 39th, 75th, 78th, Kay­ley No­ray 17th, Emil­ly Har­ri­lal 50th) vs Barataria North 3 (Shaquil­la Daniel 42nd, 52nd, Ali­cia Roberts 30th)


Mir­a­cle Min­istries 9 (Aaqi­la Vir­gil 4, Kyan­na Isaac 2, Jew­el Ben­jamin 2, Amiya Cum­ber­batch) vs Ch­agua­nas South 0

Holy Faith Con­vent 5 (Dana Pacheco 5) vs Cara­pichaima East 0

Ch­agua­nas North 3 (Shaunelle De Four 2, Nao­mi Bruce) vs Cara­pichaima West 0


St Joseph’s Con­vent 3 (Scar­lett Cole 2, Bethany Phillip) vs Bish­op’s Anstey 1 (Joan­na Kennedy)

Mal­ick Sec 4 (Hac­k­eemar Goodridge, Jale­cia John, Glene­cia Humphrey, Des­tiny Williams) vs Holy Name Con­vent 1 (Eva Nicholas)

Diego Mar­tin Cen­tral 3 (Ky­la Tay­lor 2, Mari­ah Williams) vs Tran­quil­li­ty Sec 3 (Anas­ta­sia O’Brien 2, Ja­da Cu­pid)


St Joseph’s Con­vent 14 (Arie Bha­gan 9, Ama­ra Bha­gan 3, Alex­is-Raye Lalchan, Tis­han Siu)

vs Princes Town West 0

Pleas­antville Sec 28 (Ja­da Shep­herd 9, Niki­ta Go­sine, Taye-Ann Wylie 4, Maya Wong 2, Aman­da Nanan 2, Gio­van­na Sher­wood, Kae­ley Mar­tin) vs Pa­lo Seco Sec 0

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