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Sunday, March 2, 2025

P’ville, St Joseph Convent (PoS), Five Rivers cop zonal girls title


492 days ago
Nikita Gosine of Pleasantville Secondary School attempted to control the ball while being encircled by players from St Joseph Convent San Fernando during yesterday’s  SSFL Girls Championship Division football match at Mannie Ramjohn Stadium, Marabella.

Nikita Gosine of Pleasantville Secondary School attempted to control the ball while being encircled by players from St Joseph Convent San Fernando during yesterday’s SSFL Girls Championship Division football match at Mannie Ramjohn Stadium, Marabella.


The trio of Pleas­antville Sec­ondary (South), Five Rivers Sec­ondary (East), and North Zone’s St Joseph Con­vent (PoS) joined Mir­a­cle Min­istries Pen­te­costal High School (Cen­tral Zone) when the 2023 Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL) Girls Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion con­tin­ued on Thurs­day.

Down at the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um, Mara­bel­la, Tayeanne Wylie scored a hat trick to lead Pleas­antville Sec­ondary to a re­sound­ing 7-0 tri­umph over St Joseph Con­vent (San Fer­nan­do) to seal their sec­ond straight zon­al crown.

The zone’s top scor­er, Niki­ta Go­sine added a pair of goals in the win while her sis­ter Na­talia Go­sine, and Al­isha Mitchell were al­so on tar­get for Pleas­antville to im­prove to a max­i­mum of 21 points from sev­en match­es, six ahead of St Joseph Con­vent who have com­plet­ed their eight-match sched­ule.

In the East Zone, Ten­isha Hack­ett, and na­tion­al play­er Lu­ann Craig got a goal each to in­spire Five Rivers Sec­ondary to a come-from-be­hind 2-1 win over host San Juan North Sec­ondary at Bourg Mu­la­tresse, San Juan af­ter Taya Williams had giv­en the host the lead.

With the win, Five Rivers climbed to 25 points from nine match­es, four ahead of San Juan North Sec­ondary, who have com­plet­ed their ten-match sched­ule.

At St Joseph Con­vent Ground, Fed­er­a­tion Park, St Clair, Scar­lette Cole, and Char­lotte Hadeed net­ted a goal each to se­cure a de­ci­sive 2-1 win for St Joseph Con­vent (PoS) over ri­vals Holy Name Con­vent (PoS), who got its lone item from Chelsea Reis in their North Zone ti­tle de­cider.

The win lift­ed St Joseph Con­vent (PoS) to 25 points, and with one match to play, five points clear of last sea­son’s win­ners Holy Name Con­vent who have end­ed their ten-match with 20 points, while Diego Mar­tin Cen­tral is third with 15 points.

Over in To­ba­go, reign­ing na­tion­al Girls League cham­pi­ons Scar­bor­ough Sec­ondary got two goals from J’Eleisha Alexan­der, and one from Kaleah Duke to blank Pen­te­costal Light & Life 3-0 to 27 points, one ahead of reign­ing na­tion­al In­ter-Col cham­pi­on Sig­nal Hill with both teams hav­ing one match left to play.


East Zone

Five Rivers 2 (Ten­isha Hack­ett, Lu­ann Craig) vs San Juan North 1 (Taya Williams)

El Do­ra­do East 2 (Evan­ga­lene Far­fan, Nico­la George) vs Bish­op Anstey East 0

St Au­gus­tine 5 (Kani­ka Ro­driguez 3, Je­nille Bartholomew, Akeela Camp­bell) vs Barataria North 1 (Ali­cia Roberts)

North Zone

Tran­quil­li­ty Sec 3 vs Mal­ick Sec 0 - by de­fault

St Joseph Con­vent 2 (Scar­lett Cole, Char­lotte Hadeed) vs Holy Name Con­vent 1 (Chelsea Teis)

To­ba­go Zone

Scar­bor­ough Sec 3 (J’Eleisha Alexan­der 3rd, 72nd, Kaleah Duke 37th) vs Pen­te­costal Light & Life 0

Bish­op’s High School 1 (Ki­monique Spencer) vs Ma­son Hall 1 (Ja­da Gra­ham)

Rox­bor­ough 3 (Saman­tha Isles 2, Lo­ry Clarke) vs Spey­side High 1 (J’naya Gray)

South Zone

Pleas­antville Sec 7 (Tayeann Wylie 3, Niki­ta Go­sine 2, Na­talia Go­sine, Al­isha Mitchell) vs St Joseph’s Con­vent 0

Moru­ga Sec 2 (Jew­el Charles, Merkay­la Pe­ters) vs Pa­lo Sec 1 (Faie Alexan­der)

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