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Monday, March 3, 2025

QPCC-City FC blanks AIA for NLCL U-19 Cup


Sport Desk
350 days ago
City FC celebrate their victory after defeating AIA to win the NLCL Under-19 Community Cup title at the Larry Gomes Stadium in Malabar, Arima, on Sunday.

City FC celebrate their victory after defeating AIA to win the NLCL Under-19 Community Cup title at the Larry Gomes Stadium in Malabar, Arima, on Sunday.

Daniel Kirby Prentice

Three dif­fer­ent play­ers were on tar­get in the sec­ond-half to lead QPCC-City FC to a 3-0 de­feat of ZA Lim­i­ty AIA in the Next Lev­el Con­sult­ing Lim­it­ed (NL­CL) Un­der-19 Di­vi­sion Foot­ball Com­mu­ni­ty Cup fi­nal at the Lar­ry Gomes Sta­di­um, Mal­abar, on Sunday.

Fol­low­ing a goal­less first-half, Kade Col­lier opened the scor­ing for QPCC-City FC in the 55th minute, and they had to wait un­til eight min­utes from full-time be­fore na­tion­al youth team play­er, and even­tu­al tour­na­ment “Most Valu­able Play­er” award re­cip­i­ent Ca­den Tre­strail dou­bled the lead fol­lowed a penal­ty con­ver­sion in the first min­utes of time added-on by Dar­ius Jor­dan to put the cap off a stel­lar sec­ond-half per­for­mance.

In the semi­fi­nals last week, QPCC-City FC made cer­tain a new cham­pi­on will be crowned af­ter two years when they edged two-time reign­ing cham­pi­on Soc­cer Made Sim­ple 1-0 at Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um, Mara­bel­la Col­lier net­ting a dra­mat­ic in­jury-time win­ner, while AIA blanked Ball Blasters Youth Acad­e­my of To­ba­go 2-0 with Jahdel Chase-Charles and Jean-Marc Thomas the scor­ers.

The sched­uled third place match be­tween Ball Blasters of To­ba­go and Soc­cer Made Sim­ple was not con­test­ed af­ter tour­na­ment or­ga­niz­ers were un­able to se­cure same day flight arrange­ments on Caribbean Air­lines for the Group C win­ners, Ball Blasters Youth Acad­e­my.

Ex­haus­tive fur­ther at­tempts were made to have team trav­el by sea-bridge and overnight pri­or to game, how­ev­er, Ball Blasters found it chal­leng­ing to field a team giv­en those cir­cum­stances, and gra­cious­ly ad­vised that they would not be able to make it.

In­di­vid­ual awards

Ris­ing Star Best Up­com­ing Play­er: Malerkey Fras­er (Gas­par­il­lo Youths)

Best De­fend­er:

Yohance Arther­ton (QPCC-City FC)

Best Goal­keep­er: Joash Har­ris (AIA)

Best Mid­field­er: Theo Crovador (AIA)

Best Strik­er:

Ca­den Tre­strail (QPCC-City FC)

Most Goals:

Ca­den Tre­strail (QPCC-City FC)

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