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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Red Force, West Indies Academy in tight contest

Pride, Vol­ca­noes romp to vic­to­ries; Scor­pi­ons fight back


Sport Desk
5 days ago
FILE - Yannic Cariah...claimed 3-37 and also scored a half-century (54) for T&T Red Force.

FILE - Yannic Cariah...claimed 3-37 and also scored a half-century (54) for T&T Red Force.

Courtesy CWI Media

ST JOHN’S, An­tigua – T&T Red Force and West In­dies Acad­e­my are locked in an in­trigu­ing con­test when the West In­dies Cham­pi­onship con­tin­ued Fri­day.

Else­where, Bar­ba­dos Pride and the Wind­ward Is­lands Vol­ca­noes both reg­is­tered im­pres­sive wins in­side three days over the Com­bined Cam­pus­es and Col­leges (CCC) and Lee­ward Is­lands Hur­ri­canes, re­spec­tive­ly,

Bar­ba­dos thrashed the CCC by 10 wick­ets, while the Vol­ca­noes blew away the Hur­ri­canes by a mas­sive in­nings and 60 runs while the Ja­maica Scor­pi­ons are putting up some re­sis­tance against the Guyana Harpy Ea­gles.

At Coolidge Crick­et Ground: Both the Red Force and the West In­dies Acad­e­my are in with a shot of vic­to­ry head­ing in­to to­day’s fourth and fi­nal day.

Re­sum­ing the day on 167 for five in re­sponse to the Red Force’s first in­nings to­tal of 304, the Acad­e­my owed their even­tu­al to­tal of 268 to Joshua Bish­op who scored an im­pres­sive cen­tu­ry.

Bish­op played a bril­liant counter-at­tack­ing in­nings of 102 from 81 balls with 16 fours and one six and ac­tu­al­ly put the Acad­e­my in po­si­tion for a larg­er to­tal un­til a late col­lapse.

From a score of 246 for five, spin­ners Yan­nic Cari­ah and Khary Pierre claimed the last five wick­ets for just 22 runs to give the Red Force a handy first in­nings lead of 36.

The West In­dies Acad­e­my then fought back to lim­it the Red Force to 218 for nine in their sec­ond in­nings, an over­all lead of 254 runs.

The vis­i­tors were in com­mand at 84 for one at one point thanks to a knock of 55 from open­er Cephas Coop­er, but the Acad­e­my grabbed four wick­ets for just 19 runs to even the con­test.

The Red Force were in re­al trou­ble at 116 for six be­fore Cari­ah res­cued them, scor­ing 54 off 78 balls.

Pac­er Kelvin Pit­man has so far tak­en 4-38, while Ri­val­do Clarke has grabbed 2-23 with his part-time off spin.

At Kens­ing­ton Oval: Left-arm spin­ner Jomel War­ri­can took five wick­ets to set up a com­fort­able 10-wick­et vic­to­ry for the Bar­ba­dos Pride against the Com­bined Cam­pus­es and Col­leges (CCC).

Trail­ing by 166 runs af­ter the first in­nings, CCC need­ed ma­jor con­tri­bu­tions from their low­er or­der to make the Pride bat again af­ter col­laps­ing to 103 for sev­en.

Akeem Jor­dan made an even 50 bat­ting at num­ber nine and last man Chemar Hold­er fin­ished un­beat­en on 20 to help the CCC up to 188.

Their ef­forts were re­quired af­ter pac­er Ke­mar Roach struck ear­ly blows in the morn­ing ses­sion.

Roach dis­missed Jo­hann Je­re­mi­ah and Kalvin Mar­cus and Matthew Forde ac­count­ed for first in­nings cen­tu­ry mak­er Damel Eve­lyn for 18 to re­strict CCC to 54 for three.

And when Ros­ton Chase snagged the wick­ets of Kier­an Pow­ell for four and De­mario Richards for a duck, they were in even more trou­ble at 96 for five.

War­ri­can then ran through the low­er or­der, tak­ing four of the last five wick­ets to fall, al­beit meet­ing some re­sis­tance from Jor­dan and Hold­er.

He end­ed with 5-59, while Roach (2-14) and Chase (2-69) pro­vid­ed good sup­port.

Need­ing just 23 runs to seal a third straight vic­to­ry, the Pride then eased to 28 with­out loss in 4.4 overs.

At Daren Sam­my Na­tion­al Crick­et Sta­di­um: An­oth­er be­low par ef­fort with the bat by the Lee­ward Is­lands Hur­ri­canes con­demned them to an in­nings and 60 run de­feat at the hands of the Wind­ward Is­lands Vol­ca­noes.

Re­sum­ing the day on 165 for sev­en in re­sponse to the Vol­ca­noes’ mam­moth first in­nings to­tal of 480, the Hur­ri­canes added on­ly 30 more runs to con­cede the fol­low on.

Mikyle Louis, who be­gan the day on 82, scored on­ly two more runs be­fore he be­came Gilon Tyson’s fifth wick­et.

Tyson fin­ished with 5-45 and Ryan John took 4-42 to bring a swift end to the in­nings.

With their bat­ters un­der pres­sure to pro­duce a bet­ter show­ing in the sec­ond in­nings, the Hur­ri­canes man­aged on­ly slight­ly bet­ter to be dis­missed for 225 runs.

Justin Greaves led the way with 67, while Louis (39), Cameron Pen­nyfeath­er (39) and cap­tain Rah­keem Corn­wall (31) got starts but didn’t push on.

Pac­er Shadrack Descarte led a bal­anced Vol­ca­noes bowl­ing at­tack with 3-58, with John, Darel Cyrus and Ken­neth Dem­ber each claim­ing two wick­ets.

At Sabi­na Park in Ja­maica: Faced with the her­culean task of try­ing to avoid de­feat, the Ja­maica Scor­pi­ons gave them­selves a chance of push­ing for an un­like­ly vic­to­ry against the Guyana Harpy Ea­gles, un­til two late wick­ets gave the vis­i­tors the edge.

Hav­ing es­tab­lished a mas­sive first in­nings lead of 295 runs, the Harpy Ea­gles piled on the pres­sure by de­clar­ing their sec­ond in­nings at 193 for three, set­ting the Scor­pi­ons 489 runs to win the con­test.

Tage­nar­ine Chan­der­pual scored a pa­tient 74 from 172 balls and Kevlon An­der­son fin­ished un­beat­en on 50 from 85 balls to put the Harpy Ea­gles in firm con­trol.

The Scor­pi­ons lost open­er Odain Mc­Cat­ty for five ear­ly on, but a 132-run part­ner­ship be­tween Kevin McKen­zie, who is un­beat­en on 104, and Bran­don King gave the home side some hope.

They car­ried the score to 150 for one and looked set on car­ry­ing their bats in­to Sat­ur­day’s fi­nal day, but the Harpy Ea­gles struck twice in the fi­nal half hour to gain the mo­men­tum.

Pac­er Ronal­do Al­imo­hamed had King caught for 53 and left-arm spin­ner Gu­dakesh Motie had Jer­maine Black­wood caught be­hind for a duck, as the Scor­pi­ons end­ed the day on 179 for three, still re­quir­ing an­oth­er 310 runs for a mem­o­rable vic­to­ry.


Sum­marised scores

At Kens­ing­ton Oval in Bar­ba­dos: Bar­ba­dos Pride de­feat­ed Com­bined Cam­pus­es and Col­leges by 10 wick­ets.

CCC 262 & 193 in 56.1 overs (Akeem Jor­dan 50, Kamil Pooran 36, Shaqkere Par­ris 35, Chemar Hold­er 20 not out, Damel Eve­lyn 18, Damion Joachim 10; Jomel War­ri­can 5-59, Ke­mar Roach 2-14, Ros­ton Chase 2-69) vs PRIDE 428 & 28-0 in 4.4 overs (Kraigg Brath­waite 15 not out, Zachary Mc­Cask­ie 13 not out).

At Daren Sam­my Na­tion­al Crick­et Sta­di­um in St Lu­cia: Wind­ward Is­lands Vol­ca­noes de­feat­ed Lee­ward Is­lands Vol­ca­noes by an in­nings and 60 runs.


HUR­RI­CANES 195 in 51.1 overs (Mikyle Louis 84, Jah­mar Hamil­ton 40, Cameron Pen­nyfeath­er 14, Alzarri Joseph 13; Gilon Tyson 5-45, Ryan John 4-42) & 225 in 61.2 overs (Justin Greaves 67, Mikyle Louis 39, Cameron Pen­nyfeath­er 39, Rah­keem Corn­wall 31, Jah­mar Hamil­ton 16, Jew­el An­drew 13; Shadrack Descarte 3-58, Ryan John 2-21, Ken­neth Dem­ber 2-33, Darel Cyrus 2-43).

At Coolidge Crick­et Ground in An­tigua: T&T Red Force lead West In­dies Acad­e­my by 254 runs with one wick­et re­main­ing.

RED FORCE 304 & 218-9 in 61 overs (Cephas Coop­er 55, Yan­nic Cari­ah 54, Khary Pierre 30, Bryan Charles 15 not out; Kelvin Pit­man 4-38, Ri­val­do Clarke 2-23) vs WI ACAD­E­MY 268 in 61.1 overs (Joshua Bish­op 102, Car­lon Bowen-Tuck­ett 71, Ac­k­eem Au­guste 49, Jor­dan John­son 12; Yan­nic Cari­ah 3-37, Khary Pierre 3-66, An­der­son Phillip 2-47).

At Sabi­na Park in Ja­maica: Ja­maica Scor­pi­ons re­quire 310 more runs with sev­en wick­ets re­main­ing to de­feat the Guyana Harpy Ea­gles.

HARPY EA­GLES 339 & 193-3 dec’d in 69.3 overs (Tage­nar­ine Chan­der­paul 74, Kevlon An­der­son 50 not out, Tevin Im­lach 31, Ke­mol Sa­vory 25 not out) vs SCOR­PI­ONS 44 and 179-3 in 48 overs (Kirk McKen­zie 104 not out, Bran­don King 53; Ronal­do Al­imo­hamed 2-31).

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