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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Royalians end Fatima’s Intercol reign to book spot in North final


471 days ago
East Mucurapo's Jahzeel Newton, left, clears the ball ahead of St Anthony’s Andell Frazer during the SSFL North Zone Intercol semifinal match at Hasely Crawford Stadium, Mucurapo, Port-of-Spain, yesterday. St Anthony’s College won 3-0.

East Mucurapo's Jahzeel Newton, left, clears the ball ahead of St Anthony’s Andell Frazer during the SSFL North Zone Intercol semifinal match at Hasely Crawford Stadium, Mucurapo, Port-of-Spain, yesterday. St Anthony’s College won 3-0.

Daniel Prentice

Se­nior Mul­ti­me­dia Re­porter­

Sub­sti­tute Mus­sad­diq Mo­hammed scored an 80th minute win­ner as Queen’s Roy­al Col­lege (QRC) cre­at­ed the biggest up­set of the sea­son, dump­ing reign­ing na­tion­al Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League Pre­mier Di­vi­sion as well as North Zone and Na­tion­al In­ter­col cham­pi­ons Fa­ti­ma Col­lege in a 2-1 in a come-from-be­hind per­for­mance in their zon­al semi­fi­nal con­test at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um, Mu­cu­rapo, yes­ter­day.

With the win against the same op­po­nents whom they suf­fered a 7-1 loss against dur­ing the Pre­mier Di­vi­sion League sea­son, QRC, coached by for­mer na­tion­al strik­er Ken­wyne Jones, set up a zon­al fi­nal against St An­tho­ny’s Col­lege, whom Jones helped to back-to-back na­tion­al ti­tle sweeps dur­ing his play­ing days in the ear­ly 1990s.

Fa­ti­ma be­gan the con­test as favourites and al­most took the lead in the 33rd minute, but strik­er Joshua Ma­son was de­nied by the left up­right from an acute an­gle af­ter he out­ran de­fend­er Isa­iah Isaac down the left flank.

Two min­utes lat­er, Fa­ti­ma even­tu­al­ly went ahead when an un­marked Aiden De Gannes was picked out by a short pass from Kade Col­lier just at the top of the penal­ty box, and with time and space he fired in on goal with the ball tak­ing a de­flec­tion off the leg of de­fend­er Za­kari King, to beat goal­keep­er Ja­heim Af­fan.

Six min­utes in­to the sec­ond half, the Roy­alians drew lev­el with a gem of a strike from Stephon James to stun the Fa­ti­ma sup­port­ers while spurring his team and his own sup­port­ers to life.

James won an aer­i­al bat­tle with de­fend­er Yohance Arther­ton fol­low­ing a long aer­i­al clear­ance from Tau Lam­see, be­fore he gath­ered him­self off the ground, and lashed home a left-foot­ed ef­fort past the des­per­ate lunge of de­fend­er Mi­ca­iah Leach from about 25 yards which flew past goal­keep­er Tris­tan Ed­wards, and in­to the top left-hand cor­ner of the goal.

Ma­son came close again to get­ting on the mark for Fa­ti­ma in the 69th minute, but just like his first-half ef­fort, he saw his right-foot­ed ef­fort skim the far post af­ter bat­tling his way past Isaac on an­oth­er ma­raud­ing run, for yet an­oth­er time on the night.

QRC’s Mo­hammed then sent his sup­port­ers in­to a fren­zy when he latched on­to a ball that Fa­ti­ma’s Mi­ca­iah Leach poked away from Mic­ah Nel­son in­side the 18-yard box, and with­out hes­i­ta­tion he curled a right-foot­er past the out­stretched hands of a div­ing Ed­wards in­to the far cor­ner.

The Roy­alians then with­stood a bar­rage of late at­tacks by the Hut­son Charles-coached Fa­ti­ma to se­cure a mem­o­rable come-from-be­hind win and a place in the fi­nal against the ‘West­moor­ing Tigers’ on Thurs­day from 3.30 at the same venue.

Tigers out­play East Mu­cu­rapo

Ear­li­er on in the day’s open­er St An­tho­ny’s dom­i­nat­ed the ear­ly ex­changes and wast­ed a chance to take the lead in the 14th minute when Jean-Marc Thomas in­ter­cept­ed a way­ward back pass in­tend­ed for goal­keep­er Aaron An­drews, but with the East Mu­cu­rapo cus­to­di­an out of his 18-yard box, Thomas guid­ed his ef­fort wide of the bot­tom left-hand cor­ner of the goal.

The open­ing goal fi­nal­ly came for the ‘West­moor­ing Tigers three min­utes be­fore the in­ter­val when An­dell Fras­er un­leashed a right-foot­ed rock­et in­to the roof of the East Mu­cu­rapo goal af­ter An­drews came up big first time around for his team with a time­ly block on a first post ef­fort by Theo Crovador.

It was soon 2-0 St An­tho­ny’s via a penal­ty from Joshua Miller in the 44th minute af­ter ref­er­ee CJ O’Brien whis­tled for a foul on Aaron Ed­wards on Miller who was put through on goal by cap­tain Aalon Wil­son-Wright.

Fras­er then had a chance to add an­oth­er for St An­tho­ny’s on the stroke of half-time but he failed to get off a shot in­side be­fore de­fend­er Je­lani Cox made a time­ly block, af­ter run­ning on­to a long clear­ance out of his own half by Wil­son-Wright, but luck­i­ly for East Mu­cu­rapo the score re­mained 2-0.

On the re­sump­tion, East Mu­cu­rapo al­most pulled a goal back in the 69th minute, but mid­field­er Clint Latch­man, who sur­pris­ing­ly start­ed on the bench, just failed to get on­to the end of a left-sided cross from Al-Kalipha Hen­ry, un­der pres­sure from de­fend­er Run­dell Hare­wood at the far post.

An­oth­er chance came East Mu­cu­rapo’s way in the 78th minute when Zion Harley out­jumped St An­tho­ny’s Je­re­my Bobb and con­nect­ed pow­er­ful­ly with a head­er off the cor­ner tak­en by Jadon Mc Shine, on­ly to see his ef­fort sail over­bar from in­side the six-yard box.

How­ev­er, East Mu­cu­rapo was made to rue those two missed chances two min­utes lat­er, when the re­sult was put be­yond doubt by St An­tho­ny’s.

The nip­py Crovador raced down the right side of the 18-yard box and man­aged to get in a tame across ahead of de­fend­er Khu­fu Muhammed, which was met on the first post by sub­sti­tute Morde­cai Ford whose one-time ef­fort beat An­drews on his first post for a 3-0 score line, and a spot in the fi­nal against the Roy­alians, where they will be seek­ing to avenge a 1-0 Pre­mier Di­vi­sion loss.

To­day, the South Zone will hold cen­tre stage with de­throned league cham­pi­ons and last year’s los­ing In­ter­col fi­nal­ist St Bene­dict’s Col­lege fac­ing Pre­mier Di­vi­sion rel­e­gat­ed out­fit Pleas­antville Sec­ondary in the first semi­fi­nal at Ma­haica Sport­ing Com­plex, from 3 pm while Pre­sen­ta­tion of San Fer­nan­do tack­les Na­pari­ma Col­lege in the sec­ond match from 5.15 pm.

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