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Monday, March 3, 2025

San Juan North takes charge Pres ends Fa­ti­ma un­beat­en start


Nigel Simon
515 days ago
Presentation College San Fernando's defender Tyrel Pemberton, right, blocks Fatima College's Michael Chaves counter attack during the SSFL Premiership match at the Fatima College ground in Port-of-Spain, yesterday. Presentation college won 1-0.

Presentation College San Fernando's defender Tyrel Pemberton, right, blocks Fatima College's Michael Chaves counter attack during the SSFL Premiership match at the Fatima College ground in Port-of-Spain, yesterday. Presentation college won 1-0.

Daniel Prentice

Nathan Quashie con­tin­ued to win over the hearts of his new school, San Juan North Sec­ondary, by net­ting an­oth­er de­ci­sive item in their 2-1 win over vis­i­tors Trin­i­ty Col­lege East to move top of the 16-team Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL) Boys' Pre­mier Di­vi­sion, on Wednes­day.

With pre­vi­ous leader and un­beat­en team Fa­ti­ma Col­lege suf­fer­ing a 1-0 loss at its Mu­cu­rapo Road home venue to for­mer cham­pi­ons Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege of San Fer­nan­do to end its runs at six match­es, the Jer­ry Moe-coached San Juan North now leads the ta­ble with 18 points from sev­en match­es af­ter re­bound­ing from a 5-2 home loss to Fa­ti­ma, with the lat­ter now sec­ond on 16 points.

At the San Juan North Sec­ondary ground in Bourg Mu­la­tresse, Ja­heem Dan­clair re­dis­cov­ered his scor­ing touch by net­ting San Juan North's open­er, his fifth goal of the sea­son.

How­ev­er, Trin­i­ty East, com­ing off its first win of the sea­son, 2-1 over Mal­ick Sec­ondary would even things up be­fore the half-time whis­tle thanks to Jonathan Em­rith, his first of the sea­son.

But in an even­ly-matched sec­ond half, Quashie, who trans­ferred from Queen's Roy­al Col­lege (QRC) pri­or to the start of the sea­son net­ted the de­ci­sive item in the 63rd with his sev­enth item of the cam­paign to se­cure all three points.

Down at Mu­cu­rapo Road, Fa­ti­ma's brief stint at the top of the stand­ings end­ed af­ter one round af­ter a sec­ond-half goal from Levi Jones proved de­ci­sive for Pre­sen­ta­tion with the lat­ter im­prov­ing to 14 points in fourth spot, one be­hind four-time league win­ner Na­pari­ma Col­lege, who was hand­ed a sec­ond straight loss af­ter start­ing the sea­son with five straights wins, in a 3-2 loss to de­fend­ing cham­pi­on, St Bene­dict's Col­lege who trailed 2-0 ear­ly on.

At Lewis Street, San Fer­nan­do, Na­pari­ma went ahead in the 25th minute when de­fend­er Josi­ah Coop­er's down­ward head­er at the far post from a Jk­won Bai­ley free-kick beat goal­keep­er Thane De­venish.

Eight min­utes lat­er, the pro­lif­ic Kanye Fran­cis latched on­to a loose ball at the top of the 18-yard box to fire past De­venish on his near post for a 2-0 ad­van­tage for the host.

But two min­utes be­fore the in­ter­val, St Bene­dict's boost­ed their chances of a sec­ond-half come­back when Je­re­mi­ah Niles slammed home a right-sided cen­tre from Mala­cai Webb past goal­keep­er Tyrece Ro­main.

Both teams cre­at­ed a few chances on the re­sump­tion, but it was the vis­i­tors who took theirs with a free-kick from Keanu More­an glanc­ing off the head of Na­pari­ma's Tevin Pan­tor which elud­ed his own goal­keep­er Ro­main in­to the far cor­ner to tie up the score at 2-2 in the 68th.

In the 76th minute, some slop­py de­fend­ing by sub­sti­tute An­to­nio Hill, who failed to clear a long ball from An­tho­ny Williams, saw the ball drop­ping at the feet of Webb, who fired in­to the net on the sec­ond at­tempt af­ter his first shot on tar­get was blocked by Ro­main.

The win, the sec­ond on the trot for the 'La Ro­main Li­ons', the de­fend­ing SS­FL Pre­mier Di­vi­sion cham­pi­ons ex­tend­ed their un­beat­en run to five match­es af­ter start­ing the sea­son with two straight de­feats to move to 11 points in the 11th spot, one point be­hind the trio of St An­tho­ny's Col­lege, Ari­ma North Sec­ondary, and St Mary's Col­lege who were all in win­ners row, while Spey­side Sec­ondary is fifth with 13 points.

In the oth­er match­es, Spey­side bat­tled past vis­i­tor East Mu­cu­rapo 2-1; St An­tho­ny's crushed Pleas­antville Sec­ondary 6-1; Ari­ma North edged Mal­ick Sec­ondary 2-1, QRC pun­ished Ch­agua­nas North 6-0, and St Mary's over­came host Bish­op's High, 3-2.

Wednes­day's re­sults

St Mary's 3 (Ryan Radel­lant 2, Eli­jah Wong) vs Bish­op's High 2 (Ma­lik Wil­son 2)

Pre­sen­ta­tion 1 (Levi Jones 63rd) vs Fa­ti­ma Col­lege 0

Ari­ma North 2 (Tyrelle Sta­ple­ton 19th. Tyler Ay­ers 45th) vs Mal­ick 1 (Ke­ston Richards 89th)

St Bene­dict's Col­lege 3 (Je­re­mi­ah Niles 43rd, Keanu More­an 68th, Mala­cai Webb 76th ) vs Na­pari­ma 2 (Josi­ah Coop­er 25th, Kanye Fran­cis 33rd)

QRC 6 (Tau Lam­see 2, Tehsaun Franklyn, Stephon James, Ker­ry Bap­tiste Jr, Mus­sadiq Mo­hammed) vs Ch­agua­nas North 0

San Juan North 2 (Ja­heem Dan­clair, Nathan Quashie) vs Trin­i­ty East 1 (Jonathan Em­rith)

Spey­side 2 (Omar Daniel 25th, Riquel­men Phillips 87th) vs East Mu­cu­rapo 1 (Jaden Mc Shine 90+4)

St An­tho­ny's 6 (Morde­cai Ford 2, Jean-Marc Thomas, Theo Cravador, Rus­sel Fran­cois, An­dell Fras­er) vs Pleas­antville 1 (Kelon Williams)

Cur­rent stand­ings


1*San Juan North*7*6*0*1*18*10*18





6*St An­tho­ny’s*7*4*0*3*21*12*12

7*Ari­ma North*7*3*3*1*13*5*12

8*St Mary’s*7*4*0*3*21*21*12

9*St Bene­dict’s*7*3*2*2*11*8*11


11*East Mu­cu­rapo*7*3*0*4*9*18*9


13*Trin­i­ty East*6*1*2*3*7*9*5

14*Bish­op’s High*6*1*0*5*4*14*3

15*Ch­agua­nas North*7*1*0*6*2*42*3


SS­FL Pre­mier Di­vi­sion top scor­ers:

8 - Kyle Phillip (St Mary's), Ryan Radel­lant (St Mary's)

7 - Kanye Fran­cis (Na­pari­ma), Nathan Quashie (San Juan North)

5 - Jonathan Ma­son, Aidan De Gannes, Michael Chaves (Fa­ti­ma), Ja­heem Dan­clair (San Juan North), An­dell Fras­er (St An­tho­ny's), Stephon James (QRC)

4 - Akiel Vesprey (Na­pari­ma), Lin­dell Sween (San Juan North), Clint Latch­man (East Mu­cu­rapo), Vaughn Clement (Pre­sen­ta­tion), Kelon Williams (Pleas­antville), Tyrell Sta­ple­ton (Ari­ma North), Theo Cravador (St An­tho­ny's)

3 - Oba Samuel (Mal­ick), N’kosi Quah­sie (Spey­side), Lin­dell Sween (San Juan North), Jonathan Ma­son (Fa­ti­ma), Jean-Marc Thomas, Aalon Wil­son-Wright, Morde­cai Ford (St An­tho­ny's), Jaron Pas­call, Tevin Pan­tor (Na­pari­ma), Adah Bar­clay (Pre­sen­ta­tion), Eli­jah Wong (St Mary's), Tau Lam­see

2 - Justin Al­can­tar, Chris­t­ian Bai­ley (Fa­ti­ma), Ronald­in­ho Richards, J’Lon Matthews, Jor­dan Fer­di­nand, Ke­ston Richards (Mal­ick), Kevin Fran­cois, Jabari Forbes, Jk­won Bai­ley, Xar­i­on France, Josi­ah Coop­er, Nathaniel O'Gar­ro (Na­pari­ma), Dar­i­on Mar­fan, Je­maul Ash­ing (Ari­ma North), Jaden Grant, Daniel Jones, Mala­cai Webb (St Bene­dict’s), Mic­ah Nel­son (QRC), (St An­tho­ny's), Lenox East­man, Omar Daniel, Riquelme Phillip (Spey­side), Ma­lik Wil­son (Bish­op's High), Jaden Mc Shine (East Mu­cu­rapo)

1 - Nekayse Moore, Ne­gaste Moore (Ch­agua­nas North), Abe­y­o­mi George (Pre­sen­ta­tion), Teshaun Franklyn, Ker­ry Bap­tiste Jr, Mus­sadiq Mo­hammed (QRC), Je­re­mi­ah Niles, Keanu More­an, Der­rel Gar­cia, Ethan Trot­man, Josi­ah Ochoa (St Ben­dict’s), Thomas De­cle, Kade Col­lier, Jaden Williams (Fa­ti­ma), Malachi Wood­ley, Ac­k­eem James, Isa­iah David, Zachary Joseph, Tyrese Man­swell (Mal­ick), Tyrel Ra­joon, Aaron Ray­mond, Is­rael Joseph, (Na­pari­ma), Daniel Rose, Oba­di­ah Eye­ad­el­rosiy­hia, Rus­sel Fran­cois (St An­tho­ny’s), Omar Daniel, Shy­on George, N'Kosi Quashie, Riquelme Phillips (Spey­side), Tyler Ay­ers, Theron O’Brien, Abil­i­ty Hazel, Tony Figuera, Stephano Christo­pher (Ari­ma North), Ale­jan­dro Harp­er, Ab­dil-Ju­nior Ab­dul-Ha­keem (St Mary’s), Jadiel Joseph, Joshua Lewis (San Juan North), Kadeem Plaza, Khaleem Prince, Hasheem Hill, Seretse Browne, Je­re­mi­ah Frank-Williams, Josi­ah Fi­garo, Jonathan Em­rith (Trin­i­ty East), Damario Hen­ry, Khaieem Lewis (Bish­op’s High), Malachi Hen­ry, Ma­lik Xavier, Je­mon Gul­ston (East Mu­cu­rapo), Levi Jones (Pre­sen­ta­tion)

Own goal : 6.

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