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Sunday, March 2, 2025

SSFL coaches eager to return to play


Nigel Simon
901 days ago
Students of Naparima College came out in their numbers to support their school during the Secondary School Football League match between Naparima College and Presentation College San Fernando at the Ato Boldon  Stadium in Balmain, Couva, last Friday. Presentation College won 3-2 on penalties after 1-1 in regulation time. (Photo by Daniel Prentice)

Students of Naparima College came out in their numbers to support their school during the Secondary School Football League match between Naparima College and Presentation College San Fernando at the Ato Boldon Stadium in Balmain, Couva, last Friday. Presentation College won 3-2 on penalties after 1-1 in regulation time. (Photo by Daniel Prentice)

Daniel Prentice

Fif­teen teams will chal­lenge reign­ing cham­pi­ons and win­ners of four of the past six edi­tions of the com­pe­ti­tion, Na­pari­ma Col­lege for ti­tle ho­n­ours when the 2022 edi­tion of the Tiger Tanks Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL) Pre­mier Di­vi­sion kicks off at sev­er­al venues Wednes­day af­ter­noon across the coun­try. The match that will hold the at­ten­tion will be St Au­gus­tine Sec0ndary dubbed the “Green Ma­chine” which will host Na­pa­ri­na Col­lege at Warn­er Street, St Au­gus­tine from 4 pm.

Guardian Me­dia Sports spoke to the coach­es of the var­i­ous teams about their prepa­ra­tions fol­low­ing the two-year with no com­pe­ti­tion be­cause of the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic which af­fect­ed all sports across the world.


Tacuma Jones (St Au­gus­tine Sec­ondary): “For me as a first-time coach of the team at this lev­el it will be a chal­lenge as we have lost a lot of play­ers due to the two years of non-ac­tiv­i­ty be­cause of the pan­dem­ic. So we are re­al­ly in a re­build­ing stage, and my aim for this sea­son is to make sure that we stay up in the Pre­mier Di­vi­sion and have some con­ti­nu­ity with the pro­gram for the next sea­son.”

Shiv­au­rn Hard­ing (Cara­pichaima East Sec­ondary): “The team prepa­ra­tions have on­ly been for the past six to sev­en weeks, but the play­ers are all hyped and ready for the first game as well as the sea­son ahead. We are al­so hop­ing to have some ad­di­tion­al play­ers by our sec­ond match as they fi­nalise their pa­per­work fol­low­ing their CXC and GCE ex­am­i­na­tion re­sults.”

Ker­ry Lynch (Spey­side High): “Our prepa­ra­tions for this sea­son on­ly re­al­ly in­ten­si­fied over the last two weeks. We have a re­al­ly young team with most of the guys get­ting some ex­po­sure to com­pe­ti­tion dur­ing the Tiger Tanks Un­der-20 Tour­na­ment, and Next Lev­el Con­sult­ing Lim­it­ed Un­der-19 Com­mu­ni­ty Cup and we are ex­pect­ing a de­cent sea­son, de­spite be­ing a to­tal­ly in­ex­pe­ri­enced team at this lev­el.”

Hut­son Charles (Fa­ti­ma Col­lege): “Fa­ti­ma’s prepa­ra­tions start­ed well as the nu­cle­us of the team has come through from the un­der-14s and un­der-15s, so we have a nice foun­da­tion from those teams of two years ago, and the guys are look­ing for­ward to the first game of the sea­son, and what lies ahead as well.”

Kyle Small (Pleas­antville Sec­ondary): “Our prepa­ra­tions for the sea­son were pret­ty okay, but we don’t have a lot of the play­ers from the last time we com­pet­ed at this lev­el. So it will be a chal­lenge for us and I ex­pect for most of the teams, but we are con­fi­dent that we have a squad that can com­pete as we ex­pect to fin­ish at least mid-ta­ble to main­tain our pre­mier­ship sta­tus.”

Ronald “Hus­tler” Daniel (St An­tho­ny’s Col­lege): “For each team, I ex­pect that prepa­ra­tions for the sea­son were a bit of a chal­lenge and dif­fi­cult with the new blood of tal­ent.

“At the same time our boys are very ex­cit­ed, but we are in a re­build­ing stage line all teams and it’s go­ing to take a lot of hard work, fo­cus, and de­ter­mi­na­tion for us to achieve our tar­gets.”

“One thing for cer­tain is that all teams know that St An­tho­ny’s will al­so come out to play and win, and we in­tend to be that way once again in every match.”

Ran­dolph Boyce (St Bene­dict’s Col­lege): “Pre-sea­son went well as we had a great turnout of play­ers for our ses­sions. But at the same time, we al­so had some chal­lenges with the in­clement weath­er that made it dif­fi­cult for us to use our field at times, but phys­i­cal­ly and men­tal­ly the guys are ready and now it’s like an ex­am, they now have to go and per­form.”

Travis Mul­raine (Na­pari­ma Col­lege): “Our per­for­mance against Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege in the Tiger Tanks Cup was not a bad one, and I was very sat­is­fied with how we pre­pared for the match and how we per­formed, but the re­sult did not go our way.”

“So from that game we know we have a few things that we still need to work on es­pe­cial­ly our play in the fi­nal third of the game with re­gards to our at­tack­ing play and sup­port as well.


Dwayne Davis (Trin­i­ty East Col­lege): “We have put in some work, but it’s al­so a start of a new pro­gram with new play­ers af­ter the two-year stop­page due to the coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic. We have not re­al­ly set any re­al tar­gets for the sea­son in terms of ta­ble fin­ish as we don’t re­al­ly know much about any of the op­pos­ing teams.

Dale Saun­ders (East Mu­cu­rapo): “Our pre-sea­son was a good one with a lot of young play­ers from the Form 1 to Form 3 group­ings and they have re­al­ly de­vel­oped well dur­ing our time to­geth­er so far. But, at the same time with youth play­ers you need time and while we have not set any re­al ex­pec­ta­tions, we do ex­pect to com­pete well and play good con­sis­tent foot­ball.”

Jaeel Jef­frey (Ch­agua­nas North): Prepa­ra­tion for us was not at the lev­el as well as we ex­pect­ed as we had a few hic­cups with play­ers who we were ex­pect­ed to be part of the team not do­ing so af­ter they weren’t suc­cess­ful with get­ting re­peats or ad­mit­tance to Form Six, af­ter their ex­am­i­na­tion re­sults.

“So we ba­si­cal­ly have a young team, with on­ly one play­er sur­viv­ing from the team that ac­tu­al­ly gained pro­mo­tion from the Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion pro­mo­tion play­offs and we are just look­ing for­ward to see­ing the play­ers com­pete to the best of their abil­i­ty.”

Ken­wyne Jones (QRC): “Prepa­ra­tions have gone pret­ty well and we were re­al­ly de­light­ed to get the play­ers back out on the field of play af­ter the two-year ab­sence of foot­ball due to the pan­dem­ic. The young­sters have been starved of foot­ball for the past two years, so with com­pe­ti­tion set to re­sume they are all hyped and look­ing for­ward to rep­re­sent­ing their school with the aim of do­ing well.”

An­tho­ny “Chun” Bartholomew (Mal­ick Sec­ondary): “Our prepa­ra­tions were re­al­ly hit by the coro­n­avirus as par­ents were re­luc­tant to send their chil­dren out to train­ing, and over­all we haven’t re­al­ly trained much as a team.

“De­spite those set­backs, I ex­pect that the guys will go out and give off their best as they are tal­ent­ed in­di­vid­u­als, but lack the ex­pe­ri­ence and ex­po­sure at this lev­el, and hope­ful­ly it will be good enough for us to stay in the di­vi­sion for the next sea­son.”

Kemp­ton Du­val (Moru­ga Sec­ondary): “I’m very op­ti­mistic about our chances in the com­pe­ti­tion as our main aim is to main­tain our sta­tus in the Pre­mier Di­vi­sion, this be­ing our first time back at this lev­el in a few years.”

“Along with fel­low pro­mot­ed teams Fa­ti­ma Col­lege, and Ch­agua­nas North, we will be com­ing against a core of teams who have the ex­pe­ri­enced at be­ing at this lev­el for a num­ber of years, so we just want to com­pete well, rep­re­sent our school Moru­ga as well as our com­mu­ni­ty proud­ly.”

Shawn Coop­er (Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege of San Fer­nan­do): Com­ing off the win over bit­ter ri­val and reign­ing Pre­mier Di­vi­sion cham­pi­ons Na­pari­ma Col­lege in the Tiger Tanks Cup, we will be hop­ing to build on that win as the sea­son goes on.

“In say­ing that, our pre­sea­son was good one de­spite the per­sis­tent in­clement weath­er which forced us to do lots of our work in­doors.

“And against Naps, it showed that we still have a lot of fo work to put in to be ma­jor con­tenders, and as a young group of play­ers they will im­prove as the sea­son goes on.”

Stephen Clarke (San Juan North Sec­ondary man­ag­er): “Prepa­ra­tions for the sea­son was a bit stunt­ed as we would have lost a lot of the play­ers from the 2019 team over the past two years of the coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic who have now fin­ished school.

“So like most teams, we will be fea­tur­ing a lot of new and young play­ers who would have come up from Forms 2 and 3 but at the same time would have al­so missed out on com­pet­i­tive match­es for the past two years which sure­ly ham­pered their de­vel­op­ment.”

“So our first or­der of busi­ness in this year’s com­pe­ti­tion is try­ing to avoid fin­ish­ing in the rel­e­ga­tion po­si­tions, and by do­ing so we will be able to de­vel­op a team for next year.”


Group A

St Au­gus­tine Sec­ondary, Cara­pichaima East Sec­ondary, Na­pari­ma Col­lege, Spey­side High School, St Bene­dict’s Col­lege, Fa­ti­ma Col­lege, Pleas­antville Sec­ondary, and St An­tho­ny’s Col­lege.

Group B

San Juan North Sec­ondary, Queen’s Roy­al Col­lege, Ch­agua­nas North Sec­ondary, Mal­ick Sec­ondary, East Mu­cu­rapo Sec­ondary, Moru­ga Sec­ondary, Trin­i­ty Col­lege East, Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege (San F’do)

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