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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

St Mary's upset QRC 3-1 in InterCol


Walter Alibey Snr - Sports Reporter
1944 days ago
Nathaniel Brown, left, of QRC and Tyrique Huggins of St Mary’s College battle for a header during their Coca-Cola InterCol Secondary School Football Tournament played at Fatima Grounds, Mucurapo yesterday. St Mary’s 3-1.

Nathaniel Brown, left, of QRC and Tyrique Huggins of St Mary’s College battle for a header during their Coca-Cola InterCol Secondary School Football Tournament played at Fatima Grounds, Mucurapo yesterday. St Mary’s 3-1.


St Mary's Col­lege can fi­nal­ly breathe a sigh of re­lief af­ter they sur­prised ri­vals Queen's Roy­al Col­lege (QRC) which de­feat­ed them 1-0 Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL) which end­ed on Mon­day.

on Thurs­day, the 'Saints' as they are known, pulled off a shock­ing up­set 3-1 vic­to­ry in the North Zone of the Co­ca Co­la In­ter­Col play-off at Fa­ti­ma Col­lege Ground, Mu­cu­rapo. The ri­val­ry be­tween the teams usu­al­ly means much more than the fame of a piece of sil­ver­ware, and with more than 10 loss­es to their name, as well as the heart­break of be­ing rel­e­gat­ed from the Pre­mier Di­vi­sion this sea­son, the Saints might feel now they have re­ceived the im­pe­tus to go on.

Jamel Dor­si­ty took more than 45 min­utes to open the St Mary's ac­count in the sec­ond pe­ri­od of play, and with QRC of­fer­ing very lit­tle re­sis­tance for the past few match­es, the Saints du­ly sealed the win with goals from Tyrique Hug­gins in the 76th and Har­ri­son Parks in the 80th.

The Roy­alians have now lost their last three match­es, as dis­ci­pli­nary con­cerns took cen­tre stage, and the grit that el­e­vat­ed them to the fifth po­si­tion on the stand­ings ear­li­er in the sea­son was sad­ly lack­ing.

St Mary's man­ag­er Ju­nior Maxwell said they are re­lieved with the re­sult, as it was an in­di­ca­tion they were al­ways ca­pa­ble of much more than they dis­played at the Pre­mier­ship.

The Saints which were de­mot­ed to the SS­FL Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion af­ter 12 loss­es, one win and a draw, will now play the win­ner of the Fa­ti­ma Col­lege and East Mu­cu­rapo en­counter, which is set to take place Tues­day.

In an­oth­er match at St Mary's Ground, Mal­ick got a goal apiece from Zion Car­pette and Nick­el Alexan­der to shut-out Trin­i­ty Mo­ka 2-1, while in the sis­ter isle of To­ba­go, Spey­side got a hat-trick from Je­lani James to spear­head his team to an 8-0 rout of Rox­bor­ough Sec­ondary at the Ply­mouth Recre­ation Ground.

Still, coach Ker­ry Lynch was less than im­pressed, say­ing his team played re­laxed, or else the score would have been much wider. Apart from James' items, Spey­side al­so got goals from C'el Top­pin, Kern Mc Don­ald, Adriel George, Deleon Beck­les and Kael Moore in the win.


CIC 3 (Jamel Dor­si­ty, Tyrique Hug­gins, Har­ri­son Parks) vs QRC 1

Mal­ick 2 (Zion Car­pette, Nick­el Alexan­der) vs Trin­i­ty Mo­ka 0

Spey­side 8 (Je­lani James 3, C'el Top­pin, Kern Mc Don­ald, Adriel George, Deleon Beck­les, Kael Moore) vs Rox­bor­ough 1

Ma­son Hall 2 vs Good­wood Sec­ondary 2

(Good­wood pre­vailed 4-3 PK)


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