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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Strike Squad, Sancho endorse Eve as best choice


Walter Alibey
1355 days ago
Brian Williams, the former national player.

Brian Williams, the former national player.

Walter Alibey

The ap­point­ment of An­gus Eve as the new na­tion­al coach is be­ing hailed as the right choice to lift T&T foot­ball and take it through the CON­CA­CAF Gold Cup cam­paign said hard-tack­ling "Strike Squad" de­fend­er Bri­an Williams, and echoed by Brent San­cho, al­so a formr na­tion­al de­fend­er who has played with Eve dur­ing his hey-days and know him very well as a coach.

"Gus" as he is com­mon­ly called in lo­cal foot­ball cir­cles, re­placed sacked coach, Eng­lish­man Ter­ry Fen­wick, whose es­ti­mat­ed US$20,000 per month salary has been sight­ed as a fi­nan­cial bur­den on the T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion (TTFA), ac­cord­ing to Trevor Gomez, an in­stru­men­tal mem­ber of the FI­FA-ap­point­ed Nor­mal­i­sa­tion Com­mit­tee (NC), while ad­dress­ing the me­dia dur­ing a vir­tu­al press con­fer­ence on Mon­day.

Un­der Fen­wick, a for­mer Eng­land World Cup play­er, the T&T So­ca War­riors were boot­ed out of the World Cup Qual­i­fiers af­ter the first round, fin­ish­ing sec­ond in Group F, in a tour­na­ment in­which on­ly the top team was ad­vanc­ing to the next round. The team's un­der-par per­for­mance was sum­marised by wins against Guyana (3-0) and St Kitts and Nevis (2-0) and drawn match­es against Puer­to Ri­co (1-1) and the Ba­hamas (0-0).

Eve, a for­mer na­tion­al play­er who has coached at the na­tion­al lev­el with the Un­der-15s, U-17s, U-20s and at the U-23 lev­els, is set to com­mence train­ing du­ties soon in prepa­ra­tion for T&T's open­ing match of the Con­ca­caf Gold Cup Tour­na­ment against Montser­rat on Ju­ly 2 in the USA.

Speak­ing to Guardian Me­dia Sports yes­ter­day, Williams, the rugged "Strike Squad" de­fend­er of 1989, said on be­half of his team: "The mem­bers of the 1989 Strike Squad Com­pa­ny, through its ex­ec­u­tive, con­grat­u­late and ful­ly en­dorse the present­ly ap­point­ed in­ter­im T&T na­tion­al se­nior men's foot­ball team head coach An­gus Eve and his staff. We feel once more a sci­ence of con­nec­tiv­i­ty, pride and pa­tri­o­tism, hav­ing a lo­cal staff main­ly per­sons who served this coun­try's foot­ball at all lev­els over the years.

"This feel­ing al­so brings to us the call for a uni­fied T&T coach­es minds for the prop­er de­vel­op­ment and restora­tion of our foot­ball from the ground up."

San­cho, on the oth­er hand, said: "One thing I know about An­gus as a team­mate and now as a coach is that he is an in­tel­li­gent enough per­son to know ex­act­ly what sit­u­a­tion he is get­ting him­self in­volved in. He would have tak­en a holis­tic look at what is be­ing asked of him and more im­por­tant­ly what the task is. I think he would have looked at it and be­lieved he could be suc­cess­ful do­ing this task. There is no coach, and I know An­gus as an ex­treme­ly, ul­tra-com­pet­i­tive in­di­vid­ual, that would go in­to a sit­u­a­tion think­ing that they would fail."

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