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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

T20 Champs England, Aussies to play warm up matches in T&T


Ian Wason
328 days ago
Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Sports and Community Development David Roberts, left, with CWI vice president/TTCB president Azim Bassarath, and head of PR ICC Men’s T20 World Cup Damon Leon chat after ICC Men’s T20 World Cup press conference at the President’s Box Queen’s Park Oval, St Clair, Port-of-Spain, yesterday.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Sports and Community Development David Roberts, left, with CWI vice president/TTCB president Azim Bassarath, and head of PR ICC Men’s T20 World Cup Damon Leon chat after ICC Men’s T20 World Cup press conference at the President’s Box Queen’s Park Oval, St Clair, Port-of-Spain, yesterday.


Crick­et fans will get a glimpse of reign­ing cham­pi­on Eng­land and cur­rent One Day win­ner Aus­tralia in T&T ahead of the ICC T20 Crick­et World Cup, which will start in 60 days in the West In­dies and the Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca.

Aus­tralia is one of the ten teams con­firmed to play warm-up match­es in T&T. New Zealand and hosts West In­dies will al­so play match­es in T&T at ei­ther of the fol­low­ing venues - the Queen’s Park Oval in St Clair, Port-of-Spain, Bri­an Lara Crick­et Acad­e­my in Tarou­ba, San Fer­nan­do, the Uni­ver­si­ty of the West In­dies Sport and Phys­i­cal Ed­u­ca­tion Cen­tre in St Au­gus­tine and Diego Mar­tin Sports Com­plex, Diego Mar­tin.

The oth­er ten teams that are par­tic­i­pat­ing in the 20-team World Cup will play their warm-up match­es in Fort Laud­erdale, USA.

In­dia, Pak­istan, South Africa, USA, Cana­da, Nether­lands, Nepal, Ire­land, Sri Lan­ka, and Bangladesh will play their match­es in Flori­da.

This was re­vealed on Tues­day, as the Lo­cal Or­gan­is­ing Com­mit­tee held a me­dia con­fer­ence at the Queen’s Park Oval to up­date the pub­lic on the readi­ness and the plans for the World Cup.

Mas­ter of Cer­e­monies for the me­dia con­fer­ence, for­mer West In­dies man­ag­er Omar Khan said the teams will be­gin ar­riv­ing for the world event on May 23.

“The of­fi­cial warm-up pe­ri­od is from the 25th to the 31st of May,” the for­mer Red Force man­ag­er said.

Khan ad­mit­ted it will be a huge un­der­tak­ing to host ten teams in the coun­try, say­ing: “We have the prac­tice sched­ule in place that we’ll share lat­er on. We have every­thing in place for host­ing those ten teams.”

Ugan­da, Papua New Guinea, Afghanistan, Namib­ia, Oman, and Scot­land are the oth­er teams that will be play­ing warm-up match­es in T&T.

Head of pub­lic re­la­tions, ICC Men’s T20 World Cup, Da­mon Leon, en­cour­aged the pub­lic to go on­line for tick­ets and not sim­ply wait un­til the box of­fices are opened.

“If you wait, the chances are that when the box of­fices open, they will not be avail­able for sup­ply,” said Leon as he en­cour­aged all to get their tick­ets ear­ly on­line.

Leon al­so said it is not quite clear if match­es will be tele­vised in the ter­ri­to­ry where match­es are be­ing played as it will be “up to the broad­cast­ers” who are ES­PN.

This may al­so ap­ply to ‘fan parks’ that will be set up as al­ter­na­tive venues where fans get mem­o­ra­bil­ia and oth­er sou­venirs of the World Cup. Match­es may be shown live at the fan parks if there are sold-out crowds, but that is yet to be de­ter­mined.

Venues and fa­cil­i­ties man­ag­er, Haresh Ra­goonath says the venues are pro­gress­ing well and will be hand­ed over in time.

“We have the three prac­tice venues you ex­pect, so those three venues are pro­gress­ing quite nice­ly, pret­ty much every­thing is in place,” said Ra­goonath.

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