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Monday, March 3, 2025

T&T women tune-up for friendlies against Dominican Republic


Sports Desk
1196 days ago
Members of the T&T Women's squad getting ready for their first training session yesterday in Santo Domingo, Dominica Republic. They will face the home team in two friendly matches on Friday and Tuesday.

Members of the T&T Women's squad getting ready for their first training session yesterday in Santo Domingo, Dominica Republic. They will face the home team in two friendly matches on Friday and Tuesday.

Courtesy TTFA Media

T&T’s se­nior women’s team be­gan prepa­ra­tion in San­to Domin­go, Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic yes­ter­day with a gym ses­sion, fol­lowed by an on­field work­out at the Fe­lix Sanchez Olympic Sta­di­um, ahead of their up­com­ing in­ter­na­tion­al friend­ly match with the hosts on Fri­day.

Head coach Ken­wyne Jones and the home-based play­ers were joined by the ma­jor­i­ty of the over­seas-based play­ers up­on ar­rival on Mon­day for the two-game friend­ly se­ries. The match­es are sched­uled for the Panamer­i­cano Sta­di­um in San Cristo­bal on Fri­day and next Tues­day (No­vem­ber 30)at 6 pm. The last play­er sched­uled to ar­rive is Chris­sy Mitchell.

“To­day we are hav­ing our first on-the-field ses­sion. We got some of the play­ers in at vary­ing times and did a lot of re­cov­ery stuff with them. We had some ac­ti­va­tion ses­sions where we were able to as­sess the play­ers and their phys­i­cal state fol­low­ing their re­spec­tive trav­els,” Jones told TTFA Me­dia on Tues­day af­ter­noon.

“Our re­mit for this camp is cen­tred a lot on pos­ses­sion of the ball, how we move the ball, how we are able to hurt the op­po­si­tion and tight­en­ing all as­pects of our game, de­fen­sive­ly, of­fen­sive­ly… de­fend­ing set pieces, at­tack­ing set-pieces.”

The for­mer Stoke City play­er not­ed that the cur­rent camp came at an ide­al time for him and the staff to as­sess the new play­ers com­ing in­to the squad, this be­ing af­ter the re­cent match­es against Pana­ma which end­ed in two suc­ces­sive draws at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um in Cou­va, last month 0-0 and 1-1.

“We are re­al­ly look­ing for­ward to work­ing with the new faces that have come in. Our es­ti­ma­tion is a lot of them are go­ing to make up the core of the squad, come the next camp as well, while we will al­so be look­ing to add a few more faces to give us the best chance to qual­i­fy and ad­vance in the com­pe­ti­tion,” Jones added.

T&T squad:

Ten­isha Palmer, Naomie Guer­ra, Den­necia Prince, Kimi­ka Forbes, Ken­nya Cord­ner, Col­lette Mor­gan, Karyn Forbes, Tsianne Le­an­der, Rhea Bel­grave, Jaasiel Forde, Maylee At­tin-John­son, Chel­cy Ralph, Aky­la Wal­cott, Rae­nah Camp­bell, Liana Hinds, Kedie John­son, Asha James, Kay­deen Jack, Chel­si Jadoo, Vic­to­ria Swift, Lau­ryn Hutchin­son and Chris­sy Mitchell.

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