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Monday, March 3, 2025

W Connection, Caledonia in Pro League opener


Walter Alibey
1907 days ago
Morvant Caledonia United’s Quincy Ballah, centre, challenges for the ball against W Connection’s Gerard Williams, left, and Otev Lawrence during a matchup at the Ato Boldon Stadium in Couva last season. The two teams will be opening up the T&T Pro League season against each other tonight.

Morvant Caledonia United’s Quincy Ballah, centre, challenges for the ball against W Connection’s Gerard Williams, left, and Otev Lawrence during a matchup at the Ato Boldon Stadium in Couva last season. The two teams will be opening up the T&T Pro League season against each other tonight.

CA-Images/Allan Crane

De­fend­ing cham­pi­ons W Con­nec­tion will be­gin the long-await­ed de­fence of their T&T Pro League ti­tle to­day against Mor­vant Cale­do­nia Unit­ed in the open­ing match of a dou­ble­head­er at the Diego Mar­tin Sport­ing Com­plex in Bagatelle, Diego Mar­tin, from 6 pm.

The six-time win­ners wrapped up an­oth­er suc­cess­ful sea­son last year by whip­ping AC Port-of-Spain, pre­vi­ous­ly North East Stars, 4-0 in the fi­nal match and yes­ter­day, W Con­nec­tion own­er and man­ag­ing di­rec­tor David John-Williams said he was look­ing for­ward to an en­ter­tain­ing con­test. The for­mer T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion pres­i­dent said a meet­ing with Cale­do­nia is al­ways an in­ter­est­ing one, as both teams usu­al­ly play ex­cit­ing short-pass­ing foot­ball.

“The league is won by the team that plays the most con­sis­tent foot­ball for the pe­ri­od and there­fore every­body is wor­thy of a chance to win. I look for­ward to the start of the sea­son league and al­though I am a bit dis­ap­point­ed that it didn’t start ear­li­er, we at W Con­nec­tion look for­ward to de­fend­ing our ti­tle,” John-Williams told the T&T Guardian.

In the sec­ond match of the dou­ble-head­er in Bagatelle, the De­fence Force and Ter­minix La Hor­quet­ta Rangers will square off from 8 pm.

At the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um in Mu­cu­rapo mean­while, Cen­tral FC, a three-time win­ner of the League, will come up against AC Port-of-Spain, the team who have changed their name be­cause of their change in lo­ca­tion to the cap­i­tal city from San­gre Grande. That match will kick off at 6 pm. In the oth­er match, Po­lice FC, the new First Cit­i­zens Cup hold­ers, will take on new­com­ers to the com­pe­ti­tion Cunu­pia FC from 8 pm. On­ly last week, the Law­men de­feat­ed La Hor­quet­ta Rangers 4-1 and will be hop­ing to build on their suc­cess­es to date.

In an­oth­er en­counter at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um in Bal­main, Cou­va, Tiger Tank Club San­do will meet San Juan Jabloteh from 7 pm.

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