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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Warriors open against Guyana on March 25


Sports Desk
1551 days ago
National senior team men’s head coach Terry Fenwick gives instructions to his players as the team resumed training last month at the the St James Barracks.

National senior team men’s head coach Terry Fenwick gives instructions to his players as the team resumed training last month at the the St James Barracks.

Courtesy TTFA

Na­tion­al men’s se­nior foot­ball coach Ter­ry Fen­wick can feel a bit of re­lief fi­nal­ly know­ing the dates of his team’s first phase on the road to the 2022 FI­FA World Cup in Qatar.

On Fri­day, Con­ca­caf con­firmed the sched­ule for the ea­ger­ly an­tic­i­pat­ed re­gion­al qual­i­fiers for the World Cup. This af­ter FI­FA, the sport’s gov­ern­ing body, an­nounced that cer­tain in­ter­na­tion­al match win­dows will be ex­tend­ed to en­able Con­fed­er­a­tions to sched­ule triple-match dates. This is due to the chal­lenges faced by glob­al foot­ball due to COVID-19, in par­tic­u­lar for those re­gions where sev­er­al 2020 FI­FA in­ter­na­tion­al match win­dows were sus­pend­ed.

In Con­ca­caf’s case, FI­FA’s de­ci­sion means the Con­fed­er­a­tion can sched­ule three match­es in each of the Sep­tem­ber and Oc­to­ber 2021 and Jan­u­ary and March 2022 FI­FA in­ter­na­tion­al match win­dows.

This will en­able Con­ca­caf to be­gin its eight-team Fi­nal Round of the Con­ca­caf Qual­i­fiers in Sep­tem­ber 2021, fol­low­ing a First Round played in March and June 2021 and a Sec­ond Round in June 2021 (June 2021 in­cludes two FI­FA in­ter­na­tion­al match win­dows).

On learn­ing, the War­riors’ open­ing match is at home to Guyana on March 25, Fen­wick said: “It’s a bit of im­por­tant in­for­ma­tion for us at this stage as it re­lates to the sched­ule of the World Cup qual­i­fiers. We knew the teams be­fore but now we know ex­act­ly what we’re go­ing to face.

“Be­ing at home in the open­ing game is good and we will pre­pare as best as pos­si­ble for this first game against Guyana which we know has a bit of his­to­ry with T&T and will cer­tain­ly be no pushovers. Mat­ter of fact, no team will be a walkover in these qual­i­fiers.”

The draw for the Con­ca­caf Qual­i­fiers for FI­FA World Cup Qatar 2022 took place in Au­gust 2020 and with the cer­tain­ty pro­vid­ed by FI­FA’s de­ci­sion re­gard­ing the triple-win­dows, Con­ca­caf can now con­firm the sched­ule.

The First Round will be played be­tween the Con­ca­caf Mem­ber As­so­ci­a­tions ranked 6-35 based on the FI­FA Men’s Rank­ing as of Ju­ly 16, 2020.

Fen­wick con­tin­ued: “With this sched­ule be­fore us now it tells you how im­por­tant it was for us to have got­ten the sus­pen­sion lift­ed and hav­ing the Nor­mal­i­sa­tion Com­mit­tee in charge of our foot­ball.

“I know for a fact that chair­man Robert Hadad and the rest of the Nor­mal­i­sa­tion Com­mit­tee are at work and are putting things to­geth­er for us to be able to breathe a bit eas­i­er and for all the right con­di­tions to be in place for our teams. I’m grate­ful that we’d been able to restart train­ing last month and now we can look for­ward to ex­e­cut­ing our plans ahead of March.”

The FI­FA Coun­cil al­so vot­ed that the 2021 Club World Cup will be host­ed by Japan in late 2021 with sev­en teams. A Ma­jor League Soc­cer (MLS) team has nev­er ad­vanced to that tour­na­ment, though four re­main in con­tention when the Con­ca­caf Cham­pi­ons League re­turns to ac­tion De­cem­ber 15 with At­lanta Unit­ed, LAFC, New York City FC and the Mon­tre­al Im­pact all com­pet­ing.

The 2021 Club World Cup en­sures there will be two edi­tions held with­in the same cal­en­dar year, since this year’s tour­na­ment is be­ing held Feb­ru­ary 1-11, 2021 in Qatar. The reign­ing Club World Cup cham­pi­on is Liv­er­pool, snap­ping a streak of three straight ti­tles by Re­al Madrid.

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