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Monday, January 20, 2025

West reaches men’s 400m hurdles final


Rachael Thompson-King
531 days ago
 Trinidad and Tobago’s Youth Women 100m dash bronze medallist Sanaa Frederick, centre, during the Commonwealth Youth Games at the Hasely Crawford Stadium in Mucurapo, Trinidad and Tobago on Monday. She finished 3rd in a time of 11.48 seconds. (Photo by Daniel Prentice)

Trinidad and Tobago’s Youth Women 100m dash bronze medallist Sanaa Frederick, centre, during the Commonwealth Youth Games at the Hasely Crawford Stadium in Mucurapo, Trinidad and Tobago on Monday. She finished 3rd in a time of 11.48 seconds. (Photo by Daniel Prentice)

Daniel Prentice

T&T’s Cheyne West will race for gold in the men’s 400 me­tres hur­dles on Wednes­day at the Trin­ba­go2023 Com­mon­wealth Youth Games (CYG).

Tues­day, on day two of track and field at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um in Mu­cu­rapo, Port-of-Spain, West was an au­to­mat­ic qual­i­fi­er to the fi­nal in the men’s 400m hur­dles af­ter plac­ing sec­ond in semi­fi­nal heat one.

He clocked a time of 53.05 sec­onds to fol­low Ay­omal Ku­da Liyan­age of Sri Lan­ka with 51.99 and fin­ished ahead of Aus­tralian Matthew Hunt, an­oth­er au­to­mat­ic qual­i­fi­er, with 53.83.

West ad­vanced to Wednes­day’s medal race with the third-fastest time of the eight fi­nal­ists. The fi­nal is card­ed for 5.25 pm. The T&T hur­dler will face the starter against Ku­da Liyan­age, Daneil Wright of Ja­maica, Eng­land’s Oliv­er Park­er, Amos Kip­keoi (Kenya), Bapi Hans­da (In­dia) and Kevroy Nolan (St Kitts and Nevis).

Steele, Matthew miss out on podi­um fin­ish­es

An­drew Steele and Im­mani Matthew were fourth and fifth fin­ish­ers, re­spec­tive­ly, in the men’s long jump fi­nal.

Steele logged his best jump of the evening with his fifth at­tempt. The 7.16m ef­fort put him in fourth spot, be­hind even­tu­al re­spec­tive medal­lists Cay­man Is­lands’ An­drew Stone, who won with a CYG record-break­ing 7.70m jump, South African Temosos Masikane with 7.51m and Bar­ba­di­an Teon Haynes with 7.32m.

Matthew got the bet­ter start of the two lo­cal jumpers, sit­ting in sec­ond place af­ter the first round with a 7.14m ef­fort be­hind then-leader Masikane with 7.23m. Steele was in sixth po­si­tion af­ter his open­ing 6.87m jump.

How­ev­er, a foul from Matthew in the sec­ond at­tempt and a 7.41m jump by Stone and a 7.19m ef­fort by Haynes (7.19m) pushed the reign­ing Carif­ta Games gold medal­list down to fourth. Steele, mean­while, al­so went down two spots in eighth place af­ter his 6.82m-jump.

There were no im­prove­ments for ei­ther T&T jumpers as both fouled their third-round at­tempt. It was here Stone took the lead with a 7.63m ef­fort with Masikane falling in­to sec­ond spot with a dis­ap­point­ing 5.83m jump af­ter his 7.50-sec­ond round jump.

How­ev­er, the T&T jumpers re­mained in con­tention earn­ing three more jumps as they fin­ished among the top eight spots to bat­tle for a place on the podi­um.

For the next three rounds, Steele reg­is­tered sub­se­quent jumps of 6.82m, 7.16m and 6.92m while Matthew’s strug­gle con­tin­ued as he on­ly reg­is­tered a mark in the fifth round of 6.97m as his fourth and sixth run down the track end­ed with fouls.

Stone left his best for last, ce­ment­ing the gold medal with his 7.70m record jump, sur­pass­ing the pre­vi­ous record of 7.67m achieved by Ghana’s Richard Sek­lor­wu in 2015 in Apia, Samoa. Masikane stayed on for sec­ond place im­prov­ing to 7.51m in the fifth at­tempt.

T&T’s Ruth Irvine en­dured an un­der­whelm­ing day, fail­ing to reg­is­ter a qual­i­fy­ing mark in her three throws in the women’s dis­cus fi­nal. Win­ning the gold medal was Ali­cia Khu­nou of South Africa with 49.53m, Aus­tralian Chel­sy Wayne copped the sil­ver with 49.39 and Rafael­la Aris­totelous of Cyprus bagged the bronze.

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