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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Woodley, Gilbert, Spicer in Eve's 39-man provisional squad


281 days ago
Trinidad and Tobago’s Kevon "showtime" Woodley, center, takes on Guyana's Cortez Kellman during a friendly match at the Hasely Crawford Stadium in Mucurapo on Monday. Woodley scored T&T's winner in their 2-1 win on May 13. (Photo by Daniel Prentice)

Trinidad and Tobago’s Kevon "showtime" Woodley, center, takes on Guyana's Cortez Kellman during a friendly match at the Hasely Crawford Stadium in Mucurapo on Monday. Woodley scored T&T's winner in their 2-1 win on May 13. (Photo by Daniel Prentice)

Na­tion­al coach An­gus Eve has picked a 39-man pro­vi­sion­al squad that sees call-ups for Dan­taye Gilbert (Jong - PSV), Tyrese Spicer (Toron­to FC), and Stef­fen Yeates (Pa­cif­ic FC), as well as sev­er­al play­ers who cre­at­ed a stir at the last two in­ter­na­tion­al friend­ly en­coun­ters with Guyana at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um in Mu­cu­rapo.

They in­clude vet­er­an marks­man Kevon 'Show­time' Wood­ley and Ezekiel Kasar of Point Fortin Civic. The squad will be used to pre­pare for the com­ing match­es against Grena­da on June 5 and the Ba­hamas on June 8 in the FI­FA World Cup Qual­i­fiers.

Eve on­ly a day ago re­ceived news of Hon­duras be­ing his op­po­nent in the Con­ca­caf Na­tions League on Sep­tem­ber 6 away, with French Guiana al­so be­ing a coun­ter­part four days lat­er on Sep­tem­ber 10. Eve's charges will then face Cu­ba in two match­es away and at home on Oc­to­ber 10 and 14 in Group B.

Eve, when asked for his thoughts on the group he de­scribed it as tricky.

"I want­ed to play Ja­maica ac­tu­al­ly be­cause you know what hap­pened to us in the Con­ca­caf Gold Cup, so we're a bit sore with that, but we want­ed to be back in the 'A' League so we want­ed to play these types of games. You could imag­ine an op­por­tu­ni­ty to play them at home at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um, the peo­ple re­al­ly want to come out and see the Ja­maicans and see how we match up against them be­cause they think that we are a dif­fer­ent team than the one in the Gold Cup," Eve said yes­ter­day.

Ac­cord­ing to Eve- " Hon­duras, good unit, well coached and I think they're in tran­si­tion, kind of like us. They're not a team to take light­ly at all, these Cen­tral Amer­i­can teams are very com­pet­i­tive and you look at French Guiana. We played them at the Gold Cup and beat them on penal­ties and they had guys in the team who played with Paris St Ger­main and that kind of thing, so they're still go­ing to have these types of play­ers com­ing in­to the group, so it would be a tricky match for us."

"And then Cu­ba, you see what they did at the Gold Cup, they're an ex­treme­ly com­pet­i­tive unit and we have to play them twice, so they're a very tricky team, but we want to be here, we want to be play­ing these games and these games are go­ing to get us back to where we want to be," Eve not­ed.

The So­ca War­riors will car­ry the bur­den of a World Cup qual­i­fy­ing spot which has been made eas­i­er by the World Cup be­ing host­ed in the Con­ca­caf re­gion by Cana­da, USA, and Mex­i­co. Eve will have a busy sched­ule with his play­ers hav­ing to con­test the Na­tions League and the World Cup Qual­i­fiers.

This he al­so de­scribed as tricky for his charges. " Based on how it is stretched out, it's go­ing to be a tricky one be­cause I keep say­ing that we don't get the time to ex­pose play­ers. Any­time we play, it's a tour­na­ment sce­nario, but if we can get the op­por­tu­ni­ty to ex­pose play­ers in the Na­tions League we will but we do not want to come out of the 'A' League so it's very tricky."

"If you con­tin­ue to play the play­ers, they're play­ing at their clubs, they're com­ing back to play, they're do­ing a lot of trav­el­ing to play for the na­tion­al team, so we want to lim­it the amount of fly­ing so the na­tions league team may be a lit­tle bit dif­fer­ent, but still try­ing to main­tain our po­si­tion in the 'A' League while try­ing to qual­i­fy for the Gold Cup."


Den­zil Smith, Christo­pher Biggette, Aaron Enill, Aubre­ty David, Justin Gar­cia, Alvin Jones, Shan­non Gomez, Re­al Gill, Re­on Moore, Nathaniel James, Robert Primus, An­dre Ray­mond, Du­ane Muck­ette, An­dre Ram­per­sad, Kris­t­ian Lee Him, Matthew Woo Ling, Noah Pow­der, Mal­colm Shaw, Levi Gar­cia, Tyrese Spicer, Dan­taye Gilbert, Ryan Telfer, Ross Rus­sell Jr, Adri­an Fon­cette, Kevon God­dard, Jesse Williams, Michel Poon Angeron, Ezekiel Kas­er, Kevon Wood­ley, Stef­fen Yeates, Mo­lik Khan, Shel­don Bateau, Josi­ah Trim­ming­ham, Kaile Au­vray, Daniel Phillips, Le­land Archer, Isa­iah Gar­cia, Tris­ton Hodge, Ajani For­tune

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