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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Food galore at Lions


Peter Ray Blood
2385 days ago

For yet an­oth­er year, the Port-of-Spain Cen­tral Li­ons staged a suc­cess­ful all-in­clu­sive gourmet event.

Held on Sun­day at Li­ons Cul­tur­al Cen­tre in Wood­brook, the cook­out, billed as Karibbean Krav­ings Plus, was at­tend­ed by a small­er than usu­al crowd, per­haps be­cause the an­nu­al event was held on Sun­day rather than on its tra­di­tion­al Sat­ur­day in May.

Nonethe­less, the chefs—in­clud­ing nine from the Li­ons fold—were out in their num­bers and they all treat­ed guests to some de­lec­table dish­es.

Not to be left out were the dessert spe­cial­ists and some of the cooks who came up with some unique names like Fish Hi­jacked in Venezue­lan Wa­ters, Vanes­sa Mendez’s Wine Fuh You Lover and Con­rad Chin Fatt’s Shots for Cur­ry Oink Oink.

The evening was graced by the pres­ence of South Africa High Com­mis­sion­er Tha­mi XN Ng­w­evela and her staff.

Al­so in at­ten­dance were Port-of-Spain Cen­tral Li­ons Club pres­i­dent Dave Gib­son; past In­ter­na­tion­al Di­rec­tor Ter­ence Boswell In­niss and Fa­ther Harold Imamshah.

The High Com­mis­sion al­so con­tin­ued the tra­di­tion of hav­ing two of its in­dige­nous dish­es—Dumplings and Chakala­ka, and Tangine Lamb Stew—on of­fer.

Al­so prepar­ing dish­es were alum­ni from Queen’s Roy­al, Fa­ti­ma and St Mary’s Col­leges, and Bel­mont In­ter­me­di­ate (Belex).

Judges for the evening in­clud­ed An­gela Pid­duck, Myr­na Hos­ford, Ir­ma Han­nays and Pe­ter Ray Blood.

Live en­ter­tain­ment was al­so pro­vid­ed by mul­ti­tal­ent­ed mu­si­cian Arthur Mar­cial and St James Tripo­lians, plus DJ Wayne Rochard.

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