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Friday, February 21, 2025

50 tints removed in roadblock



Po­lice of­fi­cers mount­ed a Good Fri­day road­block at Gas­par­il­lo yes­ter­day and tick­et­ed 24 peo­ple and re­moved 50 tints from ve­hi­cles. The ex­er­cise took place be­tween 4.30 am and 8 am, at Gas­par­il­lo Junc­tion. Of­fi­cers, led by In­sp Sudesh Singh and in­clud­ing Cpl Ra­goo, ar­rest­ed one man for drunk dri­ving.

Po­lice said when he ex­haled in­to the breathal­yser, his al­co­hol in­take was twice as high as the ac­cept­able lev­el. He was charged with drunk dri­ving. A to­tal of 23 oth­ers were al­so charged for a range of of­fences in­clud­ing unau­tho­rised lights, de­fec­tive num­ber plates and de­fec­tive tyres. Po­lice said they plan to con­tin­ue the ex­er­cis­es dur­ing the East­er week­end. (CS)

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