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Monday, March 24, 2025

T&T Olympic bronze medallist Kent Bernard dies


Sport Desk
32 days ago

T&T's 1964 Tokyo Olympics bronze medal­list, Kent Bernard, has died. He was 82.

Guardian Me­dia Sports un­der­stands Bernard flew in­to T&T on Wednes­day (Feb­ru­ary 19) as he cus­tom­ar­i­ly spends the Car­ni­val sea­son at home. He resided in the Unit­ed States.

While his cause of death is not yet known, it is un­der­stood he was at the home in St James with his friend and for­mer co-ath­lete, Ed­win Skin­ner, when he passed away.

Bernard main­ly com­pet­ed in the 400 me­tres for T&T and in the 1964 Sum­mer Olympics held in Tokyo, Japan, in the 4x400m re­lay, he won the bronze medal with his team­mates Skin­ner, Ed­win Roberts and Wen­dell Mot­t­ley.

In 2018, Bernard, who was a for­mer stu­dent of Bel­mont In­ter­me­di­ate RC School and Uni­ver­si­ty of Michi­gan, Michi­gan, USA, was award­ed the Hum­ming­bird Medal (Gold) for his con­tri­bu­tion to sports.

Bernard's ath­let­ic ca­reer:

1964 Olympics, Tokyo, Japan - 400m (Semi­fi­nals, 47.08); 4 x 400m Re­lay (3rd, 3:01.7, with Wen­dell Mot­t­ley, Ed­win Roberts, Ed­win Skin­ner, and al­ter­nate Cliff Bertrand)

1966 Cen­tral Amer­i­can and Caribbean Games, San Juan, Puer­to Ri­co - 400m (Quar­ter­fi­nals, did not fin­ish)

1966 British Com­mon­wealth Games, Kingston, Ja­maica - 440 yards (2nd, 46.1); 4x440 yards Re­lay (1st, 3:02.8, with Wen­dell Mot­t­ley, Ed­win Roberts, and Lennox Year­wood)

1970 British Com­mon­wealth Games, Ed­in­burgh, Scot­land - 400m (5th, 46.06); 4x400m Re­lay (2nd, 3:05.49, with Bene­dict Cayenne, Ed­win Roberts, and Melville Wong Shing)

1971 Pan Amer­i­can Games, Cali, Co­lum­bia - 400m (5th, 47.43); 4x400m Re­lay (2nd, 3:04.5, with Bene­dict Cayenne, Trevor James, and Ed­win Roberts)

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