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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Princess Adanna riding wave of talent



Be­ing the open­ing act for in­ter­na­tion­al su­per­stars like Whit­ney Hous­ton and Rod Stew­art can be con­sid­ered an ac­com­plish­ment on its own for most peo­ple.

But this is not the case of mul­ti-tal­ent­ed, To­ba­go-born Adan­na Roberts, aka Princess Adan­na.

There is more to her than just per­form­ing on the same stage with icons; the 22-year-old says her great­est joy is get­ting up in front of her own peo­ple in To­ba­go. While on stage, she is like wild fire, fierce and rag­ing with en­er­gy, but she has the abil­i­ty to sing al­most any type of track.

Princess Adan­na is a house­hold name in To­ba­go and she is quick­ly grow­ing in pop­u­lar­i­ty in­ter­na­tion­al­ly. Al­ready, she has three video projects on Syn­er­gy TV, Tem­po and RE-TV.

She is al­so cur­rent­ly work­ing on three al­bums that are ex­pect­ed to be out in stores soon.

Princess Adan­na said, "Per­form­ing in To­ba­go Jazz Fes­ti­val with Whit­ney Hous­ton was a big ac­com­plish­ment for To­ba­go and Trinidad by ex­ten­sion. "But, there are oth­er el­e­ments which make up Princess Adan­na. "I won the gold medal in the world cham­pi­onship of per­form­ing arts in Los An­ge­les," Princess Adan­na said. Not on­ly is she known for her pol­ished notes and vo­cal abil­i­ty, she is al­so a pro­fes­sion­al bal­let, mod­ern and folk dancer.

She start­ed singing pro­fes­sion­al­ly at age 15, when she per­formed her first ca­lyp­so, Too Many Crimes in This Coun­try. When she turned 16, Princess Adan­na fur­ther gained pop­u­lar­i­ty with the songs Low Wine and Flam­ma­ble Waste Line, be­com­ing the youngest per­son to win TU­CO So­ca Monarch in To­ba­go.

She was born part of a twin, but lost her sis­ter in a ve­hic­u­lar ac­ci­dent at a very young age.

Princess Adan­na, who is a res­i­dent of Bon Ac­cord, Crown Point, is man­aged by An­dre Thorne of Ba­by Thorne Pro­duc­tions. Hav­ing at­tend­ed the Ma­son Hall Sec­ondary School, she went on to pur­sue stud­ies in The­atre Arts. She al­so works at 91.9FM, Iw­er George's sta­tion, To­ba­go Bash­ment.

Princess Adan­na's ad­vice to young peo­ple wish­ing to pur­sue singing as a ca­reer is not to lim­it them­selves. "Don't lim­it your voice and abil­i­ty to one type or genre of mu­sic. Go and get the full pie."

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