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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Eight-race card on President's Cup Day



There will be an eight-race card on Sat­ur­day when the fea­ture Nor­man Gabriel Pres­i­dent's Cup (Gr 11) for three-year-olds and Over will be run over 1900 me­tres on the main track at San­ta Rosa Park in Ari­ma. Last year's "Horse of the Year" Bruceon­th­eloose, which will tote 54.0 ki­los, will lead the small six-horse field in the Pres­i­dent's Cup. His rid­er will be lead­ing jock­ey Bri­an Hard­ing.

Cac­tus Amour, the on­ly horse to beat Bruceon­th­eloose since Ju­ly 11 last year, will be part­nered by reign­ing cham­pi­on jock­ey Ricky Jadoo and will car­ry 53.5 ki­los. All the races on the un­der­card are named af­ter top sport­ing per­son­al­ties, in­clud­ing Trinidad Guardian's rac­ing cor­re­spon­dent Kelvin Nan­coo.

Hors­es, jock­eys and weights for Day 29 on Sat­ur­day

R1: AN­DRE BAP­TISTE STARTER AL­LOWANCE - WI 3 yo & Over & Imp 3 yo & Over - $39,000 - 1600M (turf): Hey Big Fel­la R Ali 45.5; Di­vine Bull C Oliv­eros 56.5; Young Elite P Badrie 44.5; De­ci­sive Point R Perez 49.5; Jay Mike R Has­ranah 56.5; Mu­sic Mae­stro C Jadoo 56.5; Sonata's Melody R Jadoo 49.5; Sound of Thun­der B Boodram­s­ingh 48.5

R2: GARY CAME­JO TRO­PHY - Imp 3 yo Maid­ens & WI 3 yo Maid­ens - $35,000 - 1350M: Sexy And Sin­gle B Boodram­s­ingh 54.5; Give Em THun­der C Oliv­eros 56.5; Ask The Padre K Raza­ck 56.5; Chero­kee Wells R Perez 54.5; Bec­quer­el S Samuel 56.5; Mon­te­jo S Ro­dri­go 56.5; Rachael's Way C Jadoo 54.5; Tru­cu­lent R Jadoo 54.5

R3: THE KELVIN NAN­COO TRO­PHY T&T CON­DI­TION­AL H'CAP D - TTV4 yo n/w 2; TT 5 yo n/w 4; TT 6 yo & Over n/w 5 - $28,000 - 1200M: Na­turel­ly Classy R Ali 53.5; Dev­il's Mark R Has­ranah 46.0; Sassy N'Pret­ty K Bal­go­b­in 48.0; Frag­gle Rock B Boodram­s­ingh 48.0; Sea Storm R Ra­jku­mar 50.0; Myth­i­cal KIng S Samuel 54.5; Playin The Storm R Jadoo 44.5; Razmin P Badrie 46.5; Gold Majesty R Perez 53.5; Fer­nan­do K Raza­ck 39.0; Ma­cho Uno A Pod­more 56.5; Most Def­i­nite­ly J Stephen 47.5; Prince Lara B Hard­ing 40.5

R4: DAVE LAMY TRO­PHY RE­STRICT­ED H'CAP - WI 3 yo & Over & Imp 3 yo & Over - $35,000 - 1300M: Sara's Mu­sic K Raza­ck 47.0; Power­ball J Stephen 46.5; Donut Prince P Badrie 53.0; Sky­line Pi­geon N Abrego 56.5; Ro­man An­them C Oliv­eros 47.5; Re­wardsin­heav­en R Has­ranah 48.0; Hur­ri­cane Watch R Jadoo 51.0; Call of the Wild B Boodram­s­ingh47.0; Eto R Ali 46.0

R5: JOEL VIL­LAFANA OP­TION­AL CLAIM­ING $20,000 - $17, 000 - WI 3 yo n/w 2; WI 4 yo n/w 3; WI 5 yo n/w 5; WI 6 yo & Over n/w 6 - $30,000 - 1100M (turf): Pra­do's Princess B Boodram­s­ingh 52.5; Su­per Son­ic S Ro­dri­go 56.5; Can­dy Alert C OLiv­eros 54.5; Co­lum­bia R Ali 54.5; Sabria Light R Ra­jku­mar 53.5; Gold­en Pride R Perez 54.5; Samaan Field J Arneaud 54.5; Bri­an's Luck N Patrick 54.5; Ne­gril Lass Y Cristal­i­no 47.5; Bul­lion Babe P Badrie 54.5; Sirus K Raza­ck 51.5; Xposed A Pod­more 56.5

R6: HAMIL­TON CLEMENT TRO­PHY WI BRED 3 YO MAID­ENS - $30,000 - 1750M: Char­lie's An­gel N Patrick 50.5; Don't Blink K Bal­go­b­in 54.5; In­di­an King R Jadoo 52.5; D'Agency R Has­ranah 52.5; Just Ossie Y Cristal­i­no 52.5; Pre­cious Di­a­mond S Ro­dri­go 51.5; Peace On Earth J Stephen 50.5; Kaio-Ken B Boodram­s­ingh 46.5; Ed­mun­do R Ali 56.5; Gold­en Mil­len­ni­um B Hard­ing 54.5; Mr Firewire R Perez 54.5; Un­zpit K Bal­go­b­in 52.5

R7: NOR­MAN GABRIEL PRES­I­DENT'S CUP (GR 11) - 3 YO & OVER - $150,000 - 1900M: Bruceon­th­eloose B Hard­ing 54.0; Cac­tus Amour R Jadoo 53.5; Wind­jam­mer P Badrie 50.5; Mis­shigh­oc­tane R Has­ranah 47.5; Tap To The Tune A Maragh 51.5; Proud Ken­tuck­ian N Abrego 57.0

R8: KEI­TH SHEP­PARD MEMO­R­I­AL TRO­PHY OP­TION­AL CLAIM­ING $7,500 - $6,500 - WI 4 yo & Over Maid­ens; WI 5 yo n/w 2; WI 6 yo & Over n/w 3 - $20,000 - 1200M: Dane's Gold N Patrick 51.5; My Kath­leen K Raza­ck 51.5; West­ern Wish Y Cristal­i­no 53.5; Vic­to­ry Dance R Ra­jku­mar 54.5; Nimitz R Free­man 56.5; Pi­ar­co R Has­ranah 53.5; Gold­smith A Pod­more 47.5; Carib Time S Samuel 53.5; Wild Life R Singh 51.5; My Friend Patch C Jadoo 55.5; Sansara C Oliv­eros 54.5; Ho­n­ourable Men­tion B Boodram­s­ingh 46.5; Sweet Parang Mu­sic R Jadoo 51.5; Con­za­ga J Stephen 47.5

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