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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Another BPO sets up in T&T


Andrea Perez-Sobers
32 days ago
Recently appointed CEO of T&T Trade and Investment Promotion Agency, Sekou Alleyne.

Recently appointed CEO of T&T Trade and Investment Promotion Agency, Sekou Alleyne.

Ad­ven­sus, a Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic con­tact cen­tre and busi­ness process out­sourc­ing (BPO) ser­vices com­pa­ny, yes­ter­day an­nounced the launch of its US$6 mil­lion de­liv­ery fa­cil­i­ty in Long­denville, Ch­agua­nas.  

In a news re­lease, Ad­ven­sus said the new, state-of-the-art fa­cil­i­ty aims to tap in­to the high-qual­i­ty work­force which the com­pa­ny recog­nis­es is avail­able in this coun­try.

Chief ex­ec­u­tive of­fi­cer of Ad­ven­sus, Thomas Oron­ti, said,  “T&T is fer­tile ground for ac­cess to pro­fes­sion­al tal­ent, top-lev­el Eng­lish ca­pa­bil­i­ties, and neu­tral ac­cents for nearshore cus­tomer ser­vice de­liv­ery. We’re thrilled to join oth­er pi­o­neers in shap­ing the fu­ture of this coun­try’s bur­geon­ing BPO ecosys­tem.”

The com­pa­ny al­so stat­ed that as a rel­a­tive­ly new in­dus­try in the coun­try, BPO em­ploy­ee at­tri­tion is low­er than in lo­ca­tions with more es­tab­lished out­sourc­ing back­grounds.

The in­vest­ment was fa­cil­i­tat­ed by the in­vest­ment arm of the new­ly es­tab­lished Trinidad and To­ba­go Trade and In­vest­ment Pro­mo­tion Agency (TT­TI­PA).

The agency’s re­cent­ly ap­point­ed CEO, Sek­ou Al­leyne, said, “We have been work­ing with Ad­ven­sus since 2023 to op­er­a­tionalise their in­vest­ment and are pleased to wel­come them to T&T’s out­sourc­ing in­dus­try which com­pris­es nine glob­al in­vestors, in­clud­ing this one, with a to­tal of ap­prox­i­mate­ly 3,000 em­ploy­ees.

“Our team will con­tin­ue fa­cil­i­tat­ing Ad­ven­sus to en­sure their set-up is as smooth as pos­si­ble and that they re­main in the coun­try as a sat­is­fied in­vestor.”

About the Ch­agua­nas fa­cil­i­ty, Oron­ti said, “We re­fur­bished the build­ing with em­ploy­ee ex­pe­ri­ence, se­cu­ri­ty, and PCI (Pay­ment Card In­dus­try) and HIPAA (Health In­sur­ance Porta­bil­i­ty and Ac­count­abil­i­ty Act) com­pli­ance top-of-mind. It’s cru­cial that our em­ploy­ees are hap­py at work and that en­ter­prise brands feel com­fort­able out­sourc­ing here.”

The re­lease fur­ther stat­ed that the max­i­mum ca­pac­i­ty is 800 work­sta­tions, with pro­ject­ed job cre­ation of 1,000 in 18 months and the es­tab­lish­ment is a 4,000-square-me­tre fa­cil­i­ty with three floors.

Found­ed in 2006 and head­quar­tered in the Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic, Ad­ven­sus op­er­ates as a PCI-cer­ti­fied con­tact cen­tre ser­vices com­pa­ny with five strate­gi­cal­ly lo­cat­ed fa­cil­i­ties in San­to Domin­go, col­lec­tive­ly hous­ing over 5,000 seats.  

Ad­ven­sus spe­cialis­es in cus­tomer ser­vice, in­bound and out­bound sales, col­lec­tions, tech­ni­cal sup­port, and var­i­ous back-of­fice func­tions.

“With ex­ten­sive ex­pe­ri­ence across di­verse sec­tors such as re­tail, fi­nan­cial ser­vices, con­sumer goods, health­care, tele­com and ca­ble, trav­el, and en­ter­tain­ment, Ad­ven­sus is well-equipped to meet the unique needs of its clients. The com­pa­ny of­fers its ser­vices in Eng­lish and Span­ish, de­liv­er­ing ex­cep­tion­al val­ue through some of the most ad­vanced fa­cil­i­ties in Latin Amer­i­ca and the Caribbean at high­ly com­pet­i­tive rates,” the com­pa­ny out­lined.

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