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Saturday, February 15, 2025

T&T trounces Bajans 14-0



The sec­ond round of match­es in the 2010 North Amer­i­can and Caribbean Rug­by As­so­ci­a­tion(NACRA) un­der 19 Rug­by Cham­pi­onship took place On Mon­day in Nas­sau, Ba­hamas. Trinidad and To­ba­go reg­is­tered a hard fought 14-0 win over Bar­ba­dos. Tries by Joseph Quashie and Jerome Richard­son scored the 2 tries and two con­ver­sions by Zane Camp­bell saw the ju­nior Ca­lyp­so War­riors to the vic­to­ry. T&T will have to wait un­til Wednes­day to find out who their op­po­nents will be in Sat­ur­day's fi­nal. T&T de­feat­ed Mex­i­co 26-12 in their first match.

Un­fan­cied Bar­ba­dos put up an out­stand­ing dis­play against T&T, both in at­tack and de­fence to hold T&T to a score­less first half . How­ev­er in the sec­ond half T&T's su­pe­ri­or fit­ness and skills saw them take the ad­van­tage with tries from Quashie and Richard­son. De­fend­ing cham­pi­ons Cay­man Is­lands play Bermu­da on Wednes­day. A win for Bermu­da will gain them a berth in the fi­nal. Should Cay­man is­lands win home team Ba­hamas will clash with T&T. Mean­while, Bermu­da edged out lo­cal hosts Ba­hamas with a last sec­ond try from Ro­ry O'Kel­ly Lynch which lev­elled the scores at 10-10 with David Lunn con­vert­ing as the fi­nal whis­tle blew.


T&T boys record ten­nis vic­to­ries

T&T's Un­der 14 boys won four of their five match­es in the first round of the St Vin­cent and the Grenadines ITF Ju­nior Tour­na­ment in Kingstown on Mon­day. Last week's St Lu­cia Co­ca Co­la Tour­na­ment fi­nal­ist Elan Mendes, semi­fi­nal­ist Ty Abra­ham, Scott Lanser and Aaron Soo Ping Chow all record­ed straight set vic­to­ries, while top seed Josh Abra­ham was beat­en by Co­ca Co­la cham­pi­on Shakir Elvin of An­tigua 6-1, 6-2.


Boys U-14 Sin­gles First Round

Shakir Elvin (ANT) bt Josh Abra­ham (T&T) 6-1, 6-2, Scott Lanser (T&T) bt Steven Welch (LCA) 6-0, 6-2, Ty Abra­ham (T&T) bt Richard Ak­cayli (VIN) 6-0, 6-2, Aaron Soo Ping Chow (T&T) bt Si­mon Lewis (BAR) 6-0, 6-2, Elan Mendes (T&T) bt Scott Har­ford (GRE) 6-1, 6-2,

Boys U-14 Con­so­la­tion First Round

Jua­nal­do Greig (T&T) bt Don­dre Latch­man (VIN) 4-0, 4-0

Boys Un­der 14 Dou­bles First Round

Scott Lanser (T&T) & Shakir Elvin (ANT) bt Richard Ak­cayli (VIN) & Imani King (VIN) 6-0, 6-0, Se­bas­t­ian Cyrus (VIN) & Shane Mus­tor (BAR) bt Jua­nal­do Greig (T&T) & Ju­dah Steph­ney (GUY) 7-5, 7-6 (9), Aaron Soo Ping Chow (T&T) & Zachary Williams (VIN) bt Jared Spencer (BAR) & Steven Welch (LCA) 4-6, 6-4, 10-8, Elan Mendes (T&T) and Dy­lan Hall (BAR), bt Jy­maun de Roche (VIN) and Akeen Guy (VIN) 6-3, 7-5, Josh and Ty Abra­ham (T&T)–bye

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