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Monday, March 17, 2025

Spektakula Memories


31 days ago

It was a mu­si­cal trip down mem­o­ry lane at Ca­lyp­so Spek­taku­la Thru The Years 43rd An­niver­sary 1982-2025 at NA­PA in Port-of-Spain on Wednes­day.

The en­ter­tain­ment was non-stop from the cast of vet­er­an ca­lyp­so­ni­ans and so­ca artistes, in­clud­ing Lord Nel­son, Crazy, Baron, Chalk­dust, Gyp­sy, Or­ga­niz­er, Pos­er, Patrice Roberts, Na­dia Bat­son, Farmer Nap­py, Mi­cal Te­ja, Yung Bred­da and oth­ers.

Mas­ter of Cer­e­monies du­ties were shared by ra­dio per­son­al­i­ty Sun­ny Bling and the leg­endary Tom­my Joseph who kept the au­di­ence ful­ly en­ter­tained with their hu­mour.

One of the stars of the night was Lord Nel­son, who at the age of 93 de­liv­ered a high-en­er­gy per­for­mance of his 70’s clas­sic Meh Lover.

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