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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Vaughnette Bigford shines at soiree



Jazz sen­sa­tion Vaugh­nette Big­ford treat­ed her fans to a mu­si­cal jour­ney at her Af­ter The Mas soiree at Na­pari­ma Bowl, San Fer­nan­do, on March 8. Dressed in a beau­ti­ful pur­ple Zad and East­man gown, she cel­e­brat­ed women on In­ter­na­tion­al Women’s Day.

The tal­ent­ed singer opened the show with I’m the One, pay­ing trib­ute to mu­sic leg­end Rober­ta Flack, who passed away at 88 on Feb­ru­ary 24. In an in­ter­view af­ter her per­for­mance, Big­ford ex­plained: “I stud­ied Rober­ta Flack for years. I pat­terned a lot of what I do af­ter the way she tells a sto­ry.

“She was one of my top five vo­cal­ists of all time.”

For more than an hour, Big­ford per­formed a range of songs, in­clud­ing Women of the Sun, La Cos­ta, For­get Re­gret, I Can’t Help It, Re­al Love, Nev­er Too Much,” a med­ley, of David Rud­der hits and Peo­ple Make the World Go Round, among oth­ers.

The event al­so fea­tured a guest ap­pear­ance by 3canal. They had pa­trons in the packed au­di­to­ri­um on their feet as they sang their hits like Sedi­tion, Fight­ing, Salt, San­ti­man­i­tay, and Blue.

The San City Or­ches­tra en­ter­tained with ren­di­tions of She Still Lov­ing Me, Bound to Dance, and Pint-o-Wine by Joey Lewis.

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