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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Rowley to step down as PNM political leader 'at the earliest'


Outgoing Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley and his wife, Sharon pose for a photo at an undisclosed location.

Outgoing Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley and his wife, Sharon pose for a photo at an undisclosed location.


Out­go­ing Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley has an­nounced his in­ten­tion to step down as po­lit­i­cal leader of the Peo­ple's Na­tion­al Move­ment "at the ear­li­est."

In a Face­book post late Sun­day night, af­ter a full day of par­ty ac­tiv­i­ties where a spe­cial con­ven­tion was held at City Hall, Port-of-Spain and all 41 gen­er­al elec­tions can­di­dates were re­vealed at Wood­ford Square, Row­ley re­vealed his in­ten­tion to step down from the lead­er­ship po­si­tion of the par­ty.

When he an­nounced his de­ci­sion to re­sign as Prime Min­is­ter, with his last day on Sun­day, March 16, Row­ley had in­di­cat­ed that he would stay on a po­lit­i­cal leader of the PNM un­til the par­ty held elec­tions for the po­si­tion in Sep­tem­ber this year.

How­ev­er, on Sun­day night Row­ley on Face­book stat­ed: While my term of of­fice as Po­lit­i­cal Leader of the PNM legal­ly runs un­til 2026, it is my in­ten­tion to va­cate the po­si­tion at the ear­li­est in con­sul­ta­tion with the Lead­er­ship of the Move­ment."

The post was ac­com­pa­nied with a pic­ture of Row­ley and his wife, Sharon, seat­ed near a yel­low road sign which read: "END".

He added: "Thank you Trinidad and To­ba­go for all your love and sup­port through­out my tenure as Prime Min­is­ter."

Dur­ing the PNM's spe­cial con­ven­tion and ral­ly on Sun­day, he said good­bye to the par­ty faith­ful as leader of the coun­try.

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