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Monday, March 17, 2025

Lalla to attend PNM rally in Woodford Square today


Chester Sambrano
Larry Lalla

Larry Lalla

For­mer UNC mem­ber Lar­ry Lal­la is set to at­tend the Peo­ple’s Na­tion­al Move­ment pre­sen­ta­tion of can­di­dates event in Wood­ford Square, Port of Spain to­day.

The event will al­so mark the res­ig­na­tion of Dr Kei­th Row­ley as Prime Min­is­ter.

In a post to his Face­book page this morn­ing, Lal­la, ” A his­toric day to­day as for the first time a sit­ting Prime Min­is­ter will vol­un­tar­i­ly step away from of­fice. This is some­thing we may nev­er wit­ness again, and which we’ll cer­tain­ly dis­cuss from time to time for many years to come. As a cit­i­zen with no present par­ty mem­ber­ship, to­day I will be go­ing to Wood­ford Square to hear the PM’s fi­nal speech and look on at the PNM’s pre­sen­ta­tion of can­di­dates.”

Speak­ing with Guardian Me­dia fol­low­ing the post, Lal­la con­firmed that he will in fact at­tend the event.


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