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Saturday, March 8, 2025

6 tricky problems your freezer can easily solve



�2 Elim­i­nate un­popped pop­corn

Don't you just hate the ker­nels of pop­corn that are left at the bot­tom of the bowl? Elim­i­nate the pop­corn duds by keep­ing your un­popped sup­ply in the freez­er.

�2 Re­move wax from can­dle­sticks

Grand­ma's heir­loom sil­ver can­dle­sticks will get a new life if you place them in the freez­er and then pick off the ac­cu­mu­lat­ed wax drip­pings. But don't do this if your can­dle­sticks are made from more than one type of met­al. The met­als can ex­pand and con­tract at dif­fer­ent rates and dam­age the can­dle­sticks.

�2 Ex­tend can­dle life

Place can­dles in the freez­er for at least two hours be­fore burn­ing. They will last longer.

�2 Un­stick pho­tos

Pic­ture this: Wa­ter spills on a batch of pho­tographs, caus­ing them to stick to­geth­er. If you pull them apart, your pic­tures will be ru­ined. Don't be so hasty. Stick them in the freez­er for about 20 min­utes. Then use a but­ter knife to gin­ger­ly sep­a­rate the pho­tos. If they don't come free, place them back in the freez­er. This works for en­velopes and stamps too.

�2 Clean a pot

Your favourite pot has been left on the stove too long, and now you've got a burned-on mess to clean up. Place the pot in the freez­er for a cou­ple of hours. When the burned food be­comes frozen, it will be eas­i­er to re­move.

�2 Re­move odours

Got a musty-smelling book, or a plas­tic con­tain­er with a fish odour? Place them in the freez­er overnight. By morn­ing they'll be fresh again. This works with al­most any oth­er small item that has a bad smell you want to get rid of.

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