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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Dead woman had dis­pute in court

Cops hunt for close friend



The body of an­oth­er miss­ing woman has been found dumped in the Mi­tan Riv­er.

The lat­est vic­tim has been iden­ti­fied as Fe­li­cia Per­sad, who was found in a leather bag which had been tied to the root of a man­grove tree and weight­ed down with piece of a dec­o­ra­tive con­crete pil­lar.

Forestry Di­vi­sion em­ploy­ees who were trim­ming trees near the Mi­tan Bridge around 9 am yes­ter­day dis­cov­ered the bag and im­me­di­ate­ly called the po­lice.

De­tec­tives PC Racha and WPC Jor­dan, of the Ma­yaro CID, re­spond­ed and used a pirogue to gain ac­cess to the bag.

Per­sad was found with her hands tied be­hind her back her, mouth gagged and with wounds to her stom­ach.

The body, which was at­tired in a red top, black pants and with a shoe on the left foot, was part­ly de­com­posed and po­lice be­lieve she was mur­dered else­where and dumped there.

The body was viewed by Dr La Bor­de and or­dered re­moved to the San­gre Grande mor­tu­ary, where it was trans­fered to the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre, St James, where an au­top­sy is to be per­formed to de­ter­mine cause of death.

Per­sad, 28, of North Oropouche Road, San­gre Grande, was re­port­ed miss­ing about two weeks.

The T&T Guardian un­der­stands Per­sad had been threat­ened and she had ap­plied to the court for a pro­tec­tion or­der. How­ev­er, she was un­able to get the court or­der due to ad­min­is­tra­tive is­sues at the San­gre Grande Sec­ond Court.

Per­sad lived with her broth­er and sis­ter at Oropouche Road, San­gre Grande, and was a sales clerk at a fash­ion store in San­gre Grande. A friend, who al­so did not want to be iden­ti­fied, said she was a hap­py young woman un­til her do­mes­tic prob­lems be­gan.

She said they had drinks on April 2 and Per­sad, who was dressed in a red top and black pants, told her she was head­ing to meet the own­er of the busi­ness where she worked to hand over sales for that day.

The friend said when she did not hear from her lat­er on she called her phone and heard scream­ing on the phone.

"That was the last voice I heard of Fe­li­cia," she told the T&T Guardian.

Po­lice be­lieve an ar­rest is im­mi­nent once the body is pos­i­tive­ly iden­ti­fied.

A par­ty of of­fi­cers, led by Snr Supt John Trim, Supt Phillip, ASPs Robain, Joseph, Ag In­sp Lutch­man and of­fi­cers of Homi­cide Re­gion II and Arou­ca CSI led by ASP Dil­lon, vis­it­ed the scene. Homi­cide of­fi­cers are con­tin­u­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tions.

On­ly last month, the head­less body of Eden Tees­dale, 26, a jan­i­tor at the Mt Hope Hos­pi­tal, was al­so found in the same riv­er. Her body was found in a bar­rel which was float­ing down the riv­er.

The tor­so had been stuffed in­side the bar­rel with her legs pro�trud­ing from the top. Tees­dale, of Em­ba­cadere, San Fer­nan­do, was lat­er iden­ti­fied through the fin­ger­print records which showed she had ap­plied for a cer­tifi­cate of char­ac­ter on Ju­ly 21, 2012.

In an un­re­lat­ed in­ci­dent, 41-year-old Robert Saun­ders, of Stone Street, Va­len­cia, was found dead at Lewis Trace, Va­len­cia, yes­ter­day.

Po­lice re­port­ed that around 7.30 am, they were called to Lewis Trace, Va­len­cia, where res­i­dents re­port­ed see­ing a body on the road.

A par­ty of of­fi­cers led by Snr Supt John Trim, Supt Phillip, ASP Robain, Sgt Lopez and of­fi­cers at­tached to the East­ern CID re­spond­ed.

On ar­rival they found Saun­ders with chop wounds and a bul­let wound in the head.

Dis­trict Med­ical Of­fi­cer La Bor­de viewed the body and or­dered its re­moval to the San­gre Grande Dis­trict Hos­pi­tal Mor­tu­ary.

Po­lice had no mo­tive for the killing.

Snr Supt Trim told T&T Guardian yes­ter­day that they would main­tain reg­u­lar pa­trols and road blocks in the di­vi­sion and a spe­cial pa­trol unit on the from To­co to Matelot and from Man­zanil­la to Ma­yaro in the wake of these re­cent killings.

These two killings, and an­oth­er Mara­bel­la (See page A4), brought the num­ber of peo­ple mur­dered for the year to 140.

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