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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Keshorn gets stronger



Olympic gold medal­list Keshorn Wal­cott set a new na­tion­al record for the fifth time in less than a year when he won the Javel­lin event at the Di­a­mond League Meet­ing Ath­letis­si­ma in Lau­sanne, Switzer­land yes­ter­day.Wal­cott's throw of 90.16m was a meet record as well as the sec­ond fur­thest throw in the world this year be­hind Kenyan Juk­lius Yego's 91.39m in Brim­ing­ham, Eng­land last month. It was a sig­nif­i­cant im­prove­ment over his pre­vi­ous per­son­al best of 86.43m, al­so set in Birm­ing­ham.

Speak­ing to the Guardian yes­ter­day, pres­i­dent of the Na­tion­al As­so­ci­a­tion of Ath­let­ic Ad­min­is­tra­tion Ephraim Ser­rette cred­it­ed Wal­cott's coach Is­mael Lopez Mas­tra­pa for bring­ing out the best in his ath­lete."Keshorn was out­stand­ing," he said. "It ap­pears that his pro­gramme is work­ing well as he con­tin­ues to im­prove. He is peak­ing at right time with the Pan Am games just a few weeks away and the World Cham­pi­onships com­ing up."

Mean­while, na­tion­al sprint champ Ke­ston Bled­man clocked 10.03 to place fifth in the Men's 100m, fin­ish­ing be­hind USA's Justin Gatlin (9.75), Ja­maican Asafa Pow­ell (9.92) and Amer­i­cans Tyson Gay (9.92) and Mike Rodgers (9.92).Ser­rette said he felt Bled­man had some room for im­prove­ment.

"He needs to work on his start. When you are at that lev­el you pay for the slight­est mis­take," he said.The event saw three big name ri­vals in ac­tion with Gatlin eas­i­ly beat­ing his two big-name ri­vals by clock­ing 9.75 sec­onds.



1 Justin Gatlin, US, 9.75

2 Asafa Pow­ell, Ja­maica, 9.92

3 Tyson Gay, US, 9.92

4 Michael Rodgers, US, 10.03

5 Ke­ston Bled­man, T&T, 10.03

6 Kim Collins, Saint Kitts and Nevis, 10.08

7 Isi­ah Young, US, 10.11.


1 Keshorn Wal­cott, T&T, 90.16

2 Vitezslav Vese­ly, Czech, 87.97

3 Tero Pitka­ma­ki, Fin­land, 87.44

4 Julius Yego, Kenya, 85.50

5 Jakub Vadle­jch, Czech , 85.15

6 Ari Man­nio, Fin­land, 80.80

7 Thomas Roehler, Ger­many, 80.73

8 Hamish Pea­cock, Aus­tralia, 79.49.

400 Hur­dles

1 Ber­shawn Jack­son, US, 48.71

2 LJ Van Zyl, SA, 48.92

3 De­nis Kudryavt­sev, Rus­sia, 49.01

4 Javier Cul­son, PR, 49.33

5 Michael Tins­ley, US, 49.42

6 Kariem Hus­sein, Switzer­land, 49.44

7 Quin­cy Down­ing, US, 49.96

8 Je­hue Gor­don, T&T, 50.07.

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