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Friday, March 28, 2025

Pan World­wide

Pete Seeger - An inspiration for pan in the US



With the huge num­ber of steel­bands in the Amer­i­can school sys­tem grow­ing dai­ly and oth­ers, like that at North­ern Illi­nois Uni­ver­si­ty, cel­e­brat­ing four decades of con­tin­u­ous ac­tiv­i­ty, ques­tions arise as to be­gin­ning of the move­ment. When were steel­bands first be­gun at Amer­i­can schools and uni­ver­si­ties?

Dig­i­tal news­pa­per archives and the In­ter­net are help­ful in un­cov­er­ing de­tails of sev­er­al con­tenders, though they on­ly il­lu­mi­nate part of the sto­ry. Found­ed in 1973, the steel­band at North­ern Illi­nois Uni­ver­si­ty is the longest con­tin­u­al­ly run­ning steel­band at any Amer­i­can uni­ver­si­ty; how­ev­er, there clear­ly were a num­ber of short lived steel­bands that formed at Amer­i­can uni­ver­si­ties in the 1960s and ear­li­er. At a time when there are nu­mer­ous trib­utes to Pe­te Seeger who died last week, his role in pan and with uni­ver­si­ty and school steel­bands has not been men­tioned.

Like­ly the ear­li­est steel­band at an Amer­i­can school or uni­ver­si­ty was at UCLA which had a short-lived steel­band cre­at­ed by Pe­te Seeger in 1956. Folk singer and po­lit­i­cal ac­tivist Seeger con­sid­ered pan as more than sim­ply a mu­si­cal in­stru­ment and was con­vinced of its use as a tool for com­mu­ni­ty build­ing and ju­ve­nile con­trol. A po­lit­i­cal ac­tivist at heart, Seeger was fas­ci­nat­ed with the po­lit­i­cal his­to­ry as­so­ci­at­ed with pan and ca­lyp­so mu­sic not­ing, "there's a kind of rau­cous democ­ra­cy about a steel band." Ear­ly Amer­i­can pan ad­vo­cates, such as Seeger and Mur­ray Narell, en­vi­sioned a fu­ture in which the steel­bands could rise out the ash­es of the im­plod­ed ca­lyp­so craze and func­tion as a le­git­i­mate ve­hi­cle for pub­lic good in cities across Amer­i­ca. He had come to Trinidad and fell in love with pan and had one made for him and cre­at­ed the short film Mu­sic from Oil Drums about the mu­sic, the first film ever de­vot­ed to steel­band.

Seeger was a folksinger by trade and dur­ing the mid-1950s, he em­barked on long col­lege tours through­out the Unit­ed States. These were ar­tis­ti­cal­ly fer­tile years for Seeger and he brought a va­ri­ety of in­stru­ments with him on the road in the hope that the eclec­tic va­ri­ety would serve as a metaphor for the di­ver­si­ty of Amer­i­can cul­ture. "I ar­rived to sing at Cor­nell [Uni­ver­si­ty] and I had a steel drum with me and I had a man­dolin, two kinds of ban­joes, two or three kinds of gui­tars. It seems that I was a trav­el­ling mu­sic store."

Seeger's flu­en­cy on the steel­pan was for­mi­da­ble, though he nev­er reached true mas­tery of the in­stru­ment and was much more in­ter­est­ed in in­tro­duc­ing pan to his var­i­ous Amer­i­can au­di­ences. Seeger sought to bring pan to the mass­es and in a 1957 let­ter to Ad­mi­ral Daniel Gallery, founder of the US Navy Steel Band, he list­ed some of the var­i­ous steel­bands that were re­cent­ly brought to life–all of them first in their re­spec­tive re­gions of Amer­i­ca. "Last year my fam­i­ly and my neigh­bors [Bea­con New York] and my­self had a small band and we still play to­geth­er oc­ca­sion­al­ly but our reper­toire is lim­it­ed to two or three songs and we are on­ly about six mem­bers all in all. On the UCLA cam­pus in Cal­i­for­nia the stu­dents fol­lowed my di­rec­tions and put on a short per­for­mance for the oth­er stu­dents."

Seeger's let­ter ap­pears to be doc­u­ment­ed proof of one of the ear­li­est steel­bands at an Amer­i­can uni­ver­si­ty com­prised chiefly of stu­dents and the let­ter dates the UCLA band to ap­prox­i­mate­ly spring of 1956. Pan was well re­ceived in many of the uni­ver­si­ties that host­ed Seeger in the late 1950s and, in ad­di­tion to UCLA, he helped start steel­bands at Cor­nell Uni­ver­si­ty, USC, and Michi­gan State Uni­ver­si­ty.

The band at Michi­gan State Uni­ver­si­ty, known as the Bom­boushay Steel Band, record­ed and re­leased an al­bum on the Folk­ways la­bel in 1962–the first com­mer­cial record­ing made by a uni­ver­si­ty steel­band. The band was com­prised of stu­dents from Michi­gan State Uni­ver­si­ty and was one of sev­er­al ear­ly Amer­i­can steel bands fos­tered by Seeger while on his col­lege tours. Mem­bers of the band in­clud­ed Eng­lish pro­fes­sor and po­lit­i­cal ac­tivist Gene Bluestein, Amer­i­can stu­dents, as well as sev­er­al vis­it­ing Caribbean in­ter­na­tion­al stu­dents. The short lived steel­band was led by Derek Hodge (1941-2011) from the Vir­gin Is­lands who lat­er aban­doned mu­sic for law and pol­i­tics back in his na­tive Bermu­da and served two terms as the Lieu­tenant Gov­er­nor of the is­lands.

Seeger's grand scheme was to sub­ver­sive­ly lib­er­ate the youth of Amer­i­ca with the "rau­cous democ­ra­cy" of steel­band. As such, he was very in­ter­est­ed in form­ing steel­bands in schools and com­mu­ni­ty or­gan­i­sa­tions in New York City and out­state New York. The Wiltwyck steel­band was one such com­mu­ni­ty band. The school was ini­tial­ly de­signed as an ex­per­i­men­tal sum­mer camp for Protes­tant African-Amer­i­can ju­ve­nile delin­quents and po­ten­tial ju­ve­nile delin­quents and steel­band con­sist­ed of lo­cal boys, twelve years of age, all of whom at­tend­ed the Wiltwyck School near Eso­pus, New York. Trinida­di­an Kim Loy Wong be­gan teach­ing the boys in June of 1959. By Oc­to­ber, the new steel­band of­fered a pub­lic con­cert in the school gym­na­si­um which Seeger and sound en­gi­neer Pe­ter Bar­tok record­ed and pro­duced in­to an al­bum for Folk­ways Records.

Seeger knew that be­cause of their knowl­edge and ex­per­tise hav­ing Trinida­di­an pan­men start steel­bands was a key el­e­ment in start­ing a steel­band move­ment in Amer­i­can schools. Work­ing to­wards this goal, he fa­cil­i­tat­ed the suc­cess­ful im­mi­gra­tion of na­tive Trinida­di­an steel­band pi­o­neers to the Unit­ed States. Most no­tably among his ef­forts was Kim Loy Wong, from Hi-lan­ders Steel, who, in ad­di­tion to his work with the Wiltwyck steel­band, es­tab­lished a steel­band and pan man­u­fac­tur­ing fa­cil­i­ty in Uni­ver­si­ty Set­tle­ment, New York in the late 1950s. He lat­er moved to Texas and still is in­volved with pan. Ray Funk is a re­tired Alaskan judge who is pas­sion­ate­ly de­vot­ed to ca­lyp­so, pan and mas. An­drew Mar­tin is an eth­no­mu­si­col­o­gist, per­cus­sion­ist, pan­nist, and As­so­ciate Pro­fes­sor of Mu­sic at In­ver Hills Col­lege in St Paul, Min­neso­ta. (BBC)


An­drew Mar­tin's de­tailed ar­ti­cle on Pe­te Seeger and pan.


Michael El­dridge's new post on his ca­lyp­so blog on Pe­te Seeger and ca­lyp­so: http://yan­keedol­lar.word­­te-seeger-and-ca­lyp­so-for-the-99/

Pe­te Seeger's movie Mu­sic From Oil Drums can be viewed on YouTube.


Born in New York with a mu­si­col­o­gist for a fa­ther and con­cert vi­o­lin­ist for a moth­er, Seeger grew up with mu­sic in his bones but lacked cre­ative di­rec­tion.

Schooled in the ban­jo, gui­tar and ukulele, Seeger re­mained a mu­si­cal fish out of wa­ter un­til he chanced up­on a square dance fes­ti­val in North Car­oli­na.

There, the "frank and hon­est" lyrics and rip­pling melodies made folk mu­sic for Seeger a nat­ur­al medi­um of ex­pres­sion.

He made it to Har­vard, but de­cid­ed that mu­sic was his on­ly tal­ent, and aban­doned his for­mal ed­u­ca­tion to trav­el across Amer­i­ca.

He dis­cov­ered the con­cerns of the com­mon man, and ex­pressed them with his ban­jo, per­form­ing at union meet­ings and for rad­i­cal groups.

Folk­lorist Alan Lo­max said that folk mu­sic was born on March 3, 1940. This was the date Seeger met Woody Guthrie, and to­geth­er they con­tin­ued their cross-coun­try jour­ney.

That year, they formed the Al­manac Singers, a loose­ly formed mu­si­cal col­lec­tive, ded­i­cat­ed to bring­ing all forms of so­cial in­jus­tice to pub­lic at­ten­tion.

The Al­manac Singers ini­tial­ly record­ed labour move­ment and paci­fist songs. But when Seeger was draft­ed in­to the US Army dur­ing the war, the Al­manacs gained a pop­u­lar­i­ty that un­set­tled their left-lean­ing fan­base.

Falling foul of tra­di­tion­al union move­ments, Seeger wrote his most de­fi­ant­ly op­ti­mistic ode to change in the late 1940s.

If I Had a Ham­mer brought him in­to artis­tic col­lab­o­ra­tion with Lee Hays and to­geth­er they formed The Weavers, find­ing more suc­cess with the Lead­bel­ly song Good­night Irene. Seeger main­tained that his mu­sic be­longed to the peo­ple.

Seeger joined the Com­mu­nist Par­ty in the ear­ly 1940s but left in 1951–he was lat­er called be­fore Mc­Carthy's Un­Amer­i­can Ac­tiv­i­ties Com­mit­tee, in­dict­ed and briefly jailed, when he re­fused to tes­ti­fy to his po­lit­i­cal as­so­ci­a­tions.

Al­though the case was thrown out by the Ap­peals Court, Seeger was thrown off the tele­vi­sion net­works for 17 years.

Seeger sang in col­leges, schools and on lo­cal ra­dio and tele­vi­sion, slip­ping away be­fore any­one could ob­ject.

In 1965, he joined a civ­il rights march in Al­aba­ma, where his ver­sion of We Shall Over­come first be­came an Amer­i­can an­them of de­fi­ance.

Protest­ing came nat­u­ral­ly to Seeger. In the late 1960s, he joined the move­ment op­pos­ing the Viet­nam war, and he lat­er sang for Sol­i­dar­i­ty, the Pol­ish trade union.

Seeger in­creas­ing­ly chan­nelled his en­er­gies in­to en­vi­ron­men­tal caus­es. These be­came per­son­al once he had built his home be­side the Hud­son, and he be­came in­volved in the cam­paign to cleanse the riv­er of in­dus­tri­al waste.

His Clear­wa­ter Or­gan­i­sa­tion of­fered ed­u­ca­tion pro­grammes, sail­ing in­struc­tion and fes­ti­vals.

In­duct­ed in­to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1996, he was award­ed a Gram­my for best tra­di­tion­al folk al­bum a year lat­er.

He was still record­ing in­to old age, join­ing oth­er artists ex­press­ing op­po­si­tion to George W Bush's in­cur­sion in­to Iraq.

Seeger nev­er top­pled a gov­ern­ment with the weight of his ban­jo.

But he was sat­is­fied if his lit­tle songs in­spired a dif­fer­ent way of look­ing at big­ger trou­bles.

MORE in­fo

Ray Funk will be pre­sent­ing an evening of his­toric ca­lyp­so, pan and car­ni­val clips for the T&T Film Fes­ti­val which in­clude Pe­te Seeger per­form­ing a Growl­ing Tiger clas­sic ca­lyp­so. The free event will be in San Fer­nan­do on the Hill on Feb­ru­ary 21 and at the NALIS am­phithe­atre in Port-of-Spain on Feb­ru­ary 23.

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