Digicel Business is the recipient of four Cisco� Partner Summit Geographical Region awards for Partner of the Year (CANSAC); Cloud Partner of the Year (CANSAC); Architectural Excellence Collaboration (Latin America) and Architectural Excellence Collaboration (CANSAC).Cisco revealed the winners during its annual partner conference which took place in Las Vegas earlier this month.
Awarded to exemplary channel partners, the Cisco Partner Summit Geographical Region awards are designed to recognise best-in-class business practices and serve as a model to the industry within their respective regions.Areas of consideration include innovative practices, application successes, unique programmes, problem solving and sales approaches.
"Cisco is proud to work alongside leading channel partners globally and to help make their business a success," said Wendy Bahr, senior vice president, Americas Partner Organisation at Cisco. "It is an honour to recognise Digicel Business with Cisco Partner Summit Geographical Region awards as Cloud Partner of the Year; Architectural Excellence Collaboration; Architectural Excellence Collaboration and Partner of the year–further underscoring its outstanding performance in Central America, the Northern South America and the Caribbean (CANSAC) and Latin America."
Digicel Business CEO, Paul Osborne, said; "Digicel Business is very proud to be honoured with these awards which further cement our position as the region's leading full service business solutions partner. In order to continue providing a full solutions portfolio that delivers on public sector organisations and private business requirements while solving their business issues, it is critical that we partner with � and are recognised by � leading global partners such as Cisco."
Cisco Partner Summit Global awards value the top-performing partners within specific technology markets across all geographical regions.All award recipients are selected by a group of Cisco Worldwide Partner Organisation and regional executives.