The Latin American and Caribbean Internet Addresses Registry (LACNIC) hashonoured Caribbean-based technology expert andphilanthropistBevil Wooding with its 2013 Lifetime Achievement Award.Wooding received the award ata special ceremony during the internationalLACNIC 21conference, on May 8th in Cancun, Mexico.
Wooding is the Chief Knowledge Officer at the international non-profit Congress WBN.
Since 2009, LACNIC has presented theaward to individuals who have a significant impact on the development of the Internet and the information society throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.Wooding, anInternet Strategist and Caribbean Outreach Manager for the US-based research non-profitPacket Clearing House, isglobally recognised for his tireless work inimproving Internet access and resilience, particularly in developing countries.
Ra�lEcheberr�a, executive director of LACNIC,lauded Wooding's work in the areas of improvingInternet connectivityandbuilding capacityin the region.
"His selection as the 2013 Lifetime Achievement Awardee was unanimous,"he said.
Echeberr�a, LACNIC's chief executive from its inception in Uruguay in 2002,singled out Wooding's work in strengthening Internet infrastructure, particularly in supporting the development of Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) in the Caribbean.
"Wooding has earned the trust and respect of the global community. The community values his dedication, his integrity and his consistency. It is clear his work is his life mission and the region has benefitted enormously as a result."
He also praised Wooding for his role in designing and spearheading theCaribbean Telecommunications Union's Caribbean ICT Roadshow, which promotesnovel uses of technology across all sectors of society.
In the development of technology solutions and educational resources, Wooding's involvement has been far-reaching. He is a founding member and chairof the Caribbean Network Operators Group (CaribNOG), a volunteer group which provides a forum for the technical community to exchange ideas and experiences.
He is also founder and Executive Director of BrightPathFoundation,a non-profitorganisationfocused on technology education solutions foryoung peopleand communities across the world. The foundation provides youth-focused mobile app development anddigital training programs. In 2012, BrightPathfacilitatedthe development of the Caribbean Examination Council's first-ever digital media syllabus.
In thanking LACNIC forthe award, Wooding said thathe felthis work is far from done.
"There remain communities to empower, policies to develop, stakeholders to educate, IXPs to deploy, local content to create, and research to conduct on how the Internet and our actions are impacting our region.My commitment is to continue working and to continue believing in the power of the Internet as a driver for development and as a force for good."
HisTechnology Matters columnappears in the weekly Business Guardian magazine.