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Sunday, March 9, 2025

New sushi restaurant opens at the Hilton



Start­ing a busi­ness is not on­ly an in­vest­ment in in­fra­struc­ture, but al­so in hu­man re­sources, said Stephen Hadeed, man­ag­ing di­rec­tor, Luce, (Ital­ian for light), a lounge, wine bar and sushi restau­rant.

On March 7, 45-year-old Hadeed opened the doors to his busi­ness on the com­pound of the Hilton Trinidad Ho­tel and Con­fer­ence Cen­tre, St Ann's. Hadeed said it's the sec­ond sushi bar in a ho­tel in T&T, the first be­ing lo­cat­ed at the Hy­att Re­gency Trinidad ho­tel.

He said prop­er­ly trained work­ers as­sist in build­ing the im­age of a busi­ness. He em­ploys ten, in­clud­ing two chefs.

Speak­ing to the Busi­ness Guardian on Tues­day, Hadeed said train­ing and of­fer­ing an at­trac­tive salary are the two fac­tors which con­tribute to a high re­ten­tion rate of work­ers.

A grad­u­ate of Queens' Roy­al Col­lege, he said trends show up­grad­ing equip­ment for staff to use is not a pri­or­i­ty for most own­ers of busi­ness­es in T&T.

"The prob­lem is many peo­ple don't want to pay the price for good work­ers. I pay, but had the chal­lenge of three or four peo­ple leave al­ready and that is be­cause they are young. At the end of the day, you hire peo­ple that know the work.


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