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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Miss Julie comes to town



One of the­atre's most per­formed plays comes to Trinidad for the first time. Au­gust Strind­berg's clas­sic play Miss Julie pre­mieres this evening, De­cem­ber 18, and runs un­til De­cem­ber 21 at the CLR James Au­di­to­ri­um, Cipri­ani Col­lege, Val­sayn. The play is di­rect­ed by lo­cal vet­er­an, award-win­ning ac­tor and di­rec­tor Er­rol Sita­hal and co-di­rect­ed by Aryana Mo­hammed.

The play fol­lows the re­la­tion­ship be­tween Miss Julie (played by Re­bec­ca Fos­ter) a no­ble-woman and her young ser­vant, Jean, (Vedesh Nath) on Christ­mas Eve night. Miss Julie has just bro­ken off her en­gage­ment to her fi­ance, and is drawn to Jean's charm. She flirts with Jean in front of his fi­ance, Chris­tine (Tis­han­na Williams), and Jean in turn en­cour­ages Miss Julie and flirts back.

Their re­la­tion­ship es­ca­lates when Jean pre­tends to be in love with Miss Julie, and per­suades her to run away as it is the on­ly way they can es­cape their dark pasts and even dark­er re­al­i­ties. But how far can they run be­fore the dark­ness con­sumes them?

Miss Julie has re­ceived awards glob­al­ly and is recog­nised as one of the most pow­er­ful­ly and sig­nif­i­cant­ly writ­ten plays.

Call Box of­fice 719-9102

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