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Thursday, March 20, 2025

Soca star Lyrikal signs with Campari


5 days ago

So­ca fans may have been sur­prised to see US-based Tri­ni-born star Lyrikal (De­von Mar­tin) on Cam­pari bill­boards around Port-of-Spain dur­ing Car­ni­val 2025 fes­tiv­i­ties, but Cam­pari Caribbean was thrilled to an­nounce that it had signed the so­ca icon as the brand’s newest am­bas­sador. The sign­ing took place in ear­ly Feb­ru­ary at an in­ti­mate cer­e­mo­ny with mem­bers of the Cam­pari fam­i­ly present to wit­ness the mo­men­tous oc­ca­sion.

Dubbed as “The King of Car­ni­val”, Cam­pari’s part­ner­ship with Lyrikal stems from the artiste’s un­de­ni­able tal­ent which em­bod­ies the spir­it of Cam­pari Red Pas­sion. In a re­lease, the com­pa­ny said that Lyrikal’s clas­sic ex­pres­sion of cre­ative pas­sion through his rich her­itage of­fers a time­less style, mag­net­ic charm and an ever-evolv­ing sto­ry that cap­ti­vates and in­trigues au­di­ences—and proved to be a per­fect fit for the Ital­ian-based brand, which is dis­trib­uted in the re­gion by Wray and Nephew Ltd from Ja­maica and via AM­CO lo­cal­ly.

Beam­ing with ela­tion mo­ments af­ter the sign­ing, Lyrikal said: “Be­ing the toast of Cam­pari is a priv­i­lege and a pas­sion. I have long en­joyed Cam­pari, and now, I look for­ward to con­tribut­ing to and writ­ing my chap­ter in the book of Cam­pari.”

The Cam­pari team ex­pressed equal ex­cite­ment about this part­ner­ship as ex­pressed by mar­ket­ing man­ag­er, ex­port, There­sa Hig­gins-Ed­wards, who said: “We are ab­solute­ly ex­cit­ed to have Lyrikal as part of the Cam­pari fam­i­ly. He is an in­cred­i­bly tal­ent­ed artiste who com­plete­ly ex­udes the traits of Cam­pari Red Pas­sion. This Car­ni­val sea­son was un­doubt­ed­ly an un­for­get­table one and we en­cour­aged all mas­quer­aders to join us in mak­ing mem­o­rable mo­ments as we im­mersed our­selves in the won­der­ful cul­ture of Trinidad and To­ba­go’s Car­ni­val.”

As the brand wel­comed yet an­oth­er Car­ni­val sea­son, it launched an en­gag­ing “What­sApp to Win” pro­mo­tion, which end­ed yes­ter­day. It al­lowed cus­tomers (with the pur­chase of ei­ther a Cam­pari 750ml or 1L bot­tle) to take a pic­ture of their re­ceipt and sub­mit it via What­sApp to (868) 323-0688 for a chance to win a share of $100,000. Ten win­ners will each re­ceive $10,000.

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