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Saturday, March 8, 2025

Indentured have received their reparation



Sat Ma­haraj, it ap­pears, is not a true stu­dent of his­to­ry. I ac­knowl­edge that both peo­ple from Africa and those from In­dia were mis­treat­ed to put it mild­ly, by the colo­nials, both hav­ing worked very hard in the fields and were bru­talised, but the rea­son why the call for repa­ra­tion is be­ing made for peo­ple of African de­scent and not for those of In­di­an de­scent is be­cause there is a big dif­fer­ence.

Peo­ple from Africa were stolen, whether by some un­scrupu­lous fel­low Africans for mere trin­kets, is not the point. They were brought here un­will­ing­ly; they were kid­napped, while those from In­dia were en­ticed by a promise of jobs, some were al­so tricked, but nonethe­less on ar­rival for their labour they were paid.

Not so those from Africa. At the end of in­den­ture­ship, land and mon­ey were giv­en to the peo­ple of In­di­an de­scent, and many have put that to ex­treme­ly good use so they have in­deed re­ceived their repa­ra­tion.

Repa­ra­tions have been made in the 20th cen­tu­ry to peo­ple of Japan­ese de­scent and to Eu­ro­pean Zion­ist Jews. So far none has been made to any oth­ers. A case can al­so be made for the in­dige­nous peo­ples of the Amer­i­c­as and the West In­dies as well, for all were ex­ploit­ed and forced in­to slav­ery in or­der to en­rich both Eu­rope and the USA. In the USA their land was stolen and in­hab­i­tants killed off for try­ing to de­fend what was theirs.

Eu­rope and the USA are still ex­ploit­ing the African con­ti­nent eco­nom­i­cal­ly, phys­i­cal­ly, men­tal­ly and spir­i­tu­al­ly and are laugh­ing all the way to the bank. So to an­swer Mr Ma­haraj, all of Eu­rope es­pe­cial­ly those in the West should pay repa­ra­tion, but of course they con­trol the UN and even if a res­o­lu­tion is passed in that body it will be ig­nored.Repa­ra­tion can come in the form of help­ing in the in­fra­struc­ture etc, of these coun­tries in or­der to de­vel­op and raise the stan­dard of liv­ing.


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