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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Organise chaos at Fast Ferry PoS port



I trav­el fre­quent­ly on the Fast Fer­ry from Trinidad to To­ba­go, al­most every month. First­ly, I would like to say that the ser­vice is the best thing that has hap­pened to our par­adise for years.It must al­so as­sist in giv­ing To­ba­go tourism a small boost as in­ter­na­tion­al ar­rivals have fall­en off in re­cent years.Hav­ing said this, the sys­tem that is in place for han­dling pas­sen­gers and ve­hi­cles in Scar­bor­ough is ab­solute­ly bril­liant.

It works like clock­work in that a pas­sen­ger can re­main in his ve­hi­cle, check in at the en­try point and await their de­par­ture.Sad­ly, the fer­ry de­par­ture from Port-of-Spain can on­ly be de­scribed as "or­gan­ised chaos." On ar­rival, a pas­sen­ger can at­tempt to park in a car park that is too small, or to park on the dis­used road­way par­al­lel to Wright­son Road. This is a night­mare!

On the dis­used road­way car park there is nowhere to turn and to add to the crit­i­cal short­age of park­ing space, there is a large flat bed truck, li­cence num­ber TT 1626 that has been aban­doned in the same spot for years.The tray of this ve­hi­cle has be­come a garbage dump for filth and flies.Along­side this eye­sore is a huge, gap­ing hole in the road­way that is filled with a large bar­rel that warns dri­vers of the im­pend­ing dan­ger.

Next to the bar­rel is an­oth­er large hole that is cov­ered with a flim­sy piece of steel sheet­ing.I would like to add that this area is un­lit and to avoid these man-made ob­sta­cles at 5 am in to­tal dark­ness for a 6.30 am de­par­ture, is in­tol­er­a­ble.This is an open let­ter to who­ev­er is in charge of the port op­er­a­tions to please make some ef­fort to rec­ti­fy this on-go­ing dai­ly oc­cur­rence of or­gan­ised chaos.

Andy Camp­bell

via e-mail

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