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Monday, February 3, 2025

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy touches on Holistic Healing



The body's in­tel­li­gence and abil­i­ty to heal it­self is re­mark­able. Bio­dy­nam­ic Cran­iosacral Ther­a­py (BC­ST) is a very gen­tle non-in­va­sive touch tech­nique that is built on the foun­da­tion that our bod­ies know how to heal them­selves and with some fo­cused as­sis­tance, the body can of­ten re-con­nect to its health. This light touch works with the cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem (brain, spinal cord, and cere­brospinal flu­id) and those parts of the body which form its pro­tec­tive en­vi­ron­ment (cra­ni­um, spine, sacrum) and oth­er tis­sues and bones of the body. The body tis­sues con­tract in re­sponse to phys­i­cal and emo­tion­al stress­es such as in­juries, sick­ness, birth process phys­i­cal and emo­tion­al trau­ma. Some­times these tis­sues re­main con­tract­ed, this can re­strict the body's func­tion­ing and vi­tal­i­ty and give rise to prob­lems like chron­ic pain, di­ges­tive dis­or­ders, de­pres­sion and anx­i­ety. Our ex­pe­ri­ences are im­print­ed in the flu­ids of our bod­ies as well as tis­sues, bones and cel­lu­lar mem­o­ry. Through skilled lis­ten­ing touch, the prac­ti­tion­er comes in­to con­tact with very slow, sub­tle rhythms in the body. These rhythms com­mu­ni­cate in­for­ma­tion about the health of the body, the bal­ance and mo­tion in the struc­tures of the cra­ni­um and spine, and the vi­tal­i­ty of the var­i­ous sys­tems of the body. They or­gan­ise and con­tain the im­print of stress­ful ex­pe­ri­ences, in­juries, or ill­ness as well as those of health. Work­ing with these rhythms es­tab­lish­es a re­syn­chro­ni­sa­tion of all sys­tems of the body as a whole unit of func­tion, un­di­vid­ed. It works to bring about a com­plete bal­ance with the tis­sues, flu­ids and vi­tal en­er­gies of the body. Cran­iosacral ther­a­py helps to re­fo­cus the body on the un­der­ly­ing prob­lems, giv­ing your own body in­tel­li­gence an op­por­tu­ni­ty to re-ad­dress all re­lat­ed ar­eas with­in the body at a holis­tic lev­el, en­com­pass­ing all sys­tems, and their in­ter­re­la­tions with the body - mus­cu­lar skele­tal, di­ges­tive, res­pi­ra­to­ry, car­dio­vas­cu­lar, sen­so­ry, and en­docrine sys­tems.

Cran­iosacral ther­a­py is de­rived from os­teopa­thy, and re­quires on­ly a very light con­tact, with no phys­i­cal ma­nip­u­la­tion from the prac­ti­tion­er. Life ex­press­es it­self as mo­tion. At a deep lev­el of our phys­i­o­log­i­cal func­tion­ing all healthy, liv­ing tis­sues sub­tly "breathe" with the mo­tion of life - a phe­nom­e­non that pro­duces rhyth­mic im­puls­es which can be pal­pat­ed by sen­si­tive hands. The pres­ence of these sub­tle rhythms in the body was dis­cov­ered by os­teopath Dr William Suther­land over 100 years ago, af­ter he had a re­mark­able in­sight while ex­am­in­ing the spe­cialised ar­tic­u­la­tions of cra­nial bones. Con­trary to pop­u­lar be­lief Dr Suther­land re­alised that cra­nial su­tures were, in fact, de­signed to ex­press small de­grees of mo­tion. He un­der­took many years of re­search dur­ing which he demon­strat­ed the ex­is­tence of this mo­tion and even­tu­al­ly con­clud­ed it is es­sen­tial­ly pro­duced by the body's in­her­ent life force, which he re­ferred to as the "Breath of Life." Fur­ther­more, Dr Suther­land dis­cov­ered that the mo­tion of cra­nial bones he first dis­cov­ered is close­ly con­nect­ed to sub­tle move­ments that in­volve a net­work of in­ter­re­lat­ed tis­sues and flu­ids at the core of the body; in­clud­ing cere­brospinal flu­id (the 'sap in the tree'), the cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem, the mem­branes that sur­round the cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem and the sacrum. Bio­dy­nam­ic Cran­iosacral Ther­a­py takes a whole-per­son ap­proach to heal­ing and the in­ter-con­nec­tions of mind, body and spir­it are deeply ac­knowl­edged. It is an ef­fec­tive form of treat­ment for a wide range of ill­ness­es help­ing to cre­ate the op­ti­mal con­di­tions for health, en­cour­ag­ing vi­tal­i­ty and fa­cil­i­tat­ing a sense of well-be­ing. It is suit­able for peo­ple of all ages in­clud­ing ba­bies, chil­dren and the el­der­ly, and can be ef­fec­tive in acute or chron­ic cas­es. De­bra Farah is a trained ther­a­pist in Bio­dy­nam­ic Cran­iosacral, Mas­sage and po­lar­i­ty ther­a­py. For more in­for­ma­tion con­tact de­bra­ or 788-5911

Peo­ple of­ten come for stress re­lief and to max­i­mize their health po­ten­tial. Com­mon­ly they will al­so come seek­ing sup­port with:

• Chron­ic Pain

• TMJ Dys­func­tion

• Spinal in­juries

• Tin­ni­tus

• Fer­til­i­ty sup­port

• Anx­i­ety/Stress

• In­som­nia

• Headaches

• Neu­ral­gia

• Di­ges­tive dis­or­ders

• Ver­ti­go

• Fa­tigue/De­pres­sion

• Birth/Bond­ing


• Preg­nan­cy/


• Whiplash


• Low back pain

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