The body's intelligence and ability to heal itself is remarkable. Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) is a very gentle non-invasive touch technique that is built on the foundation that our bodies know how to heal themselves and with some focused assistance, the body can often re-connect to its health. This light touch works with the central nervous system (brain, spinal cord, and cerebrospinal fluid) and those parts of the body which form its protective environment (cranium, spine, sacrum) and other tissues and bones of the body. The body tissues contract in response to physical and emotional stresses such as injuries, sickness, birth process physical and emotional trauma. Sometimes these tissues remain contracted, this can restrict the body's functioning and vitality and give rise to problems like chronic pain, digestive disorders, depression and anxiety. Our experiences are imprinted in the fluids of our bodies as well as tissues, bones and cellular memory. Through skilled listening touch, the practitioner comes into contact with very slow, subtle rhythms in the body. These rhythms communicate information about the health of the body, the balance and motion in the structures of the cranium and spine, and the vitality of the various systems of the body. They organise and contain the imprint of stressful experiences, injuries, or illness as well as those of health. Working with these rhythms establishes a resynchronisation of all systems of the body as a whole unit of function, undivided. It works to bring about a complete balance with the tissues, fluids and vital energies of the body. Craniosacral therapy helps to refocus the body on the underlying problems, giving your own body intelligence an opportunity to re-address all related areas within the body at a holistic level, encompassing all systems, and their interrelations with the body - muscular skeletal, digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, sensory, and endocrine systems.
Craniosacral therapy is derived from osteopathy, and requires only a very light contact, with no physical manipulation from the practitioner. Life expresses itself as motion. At a deep level of our physiological functioning all healthy, living tissues subtly "breathe" with the motion of life - a phenomenon that produces rhythmic impulses which can be palpated by sensitive hands. The presence of these subtle rhythms in the body was discovered by osteopath Dr William Sutherland over 100 years ago, after he had a remarkable insight while examining the specialised articulations of cranial bones. Contrary to popular belief Dr Sutherland realised that cranial sutures were, in fact, designed to express small degrees of motion. He undertook many years of research during which he demonstrated the existence of this motion and eventually concluded it is essentially produced by the body's inherent life force, which he referred to as the "Breath of Life." Furthermore, Dr Sutherland discovered that the motion of cranial bones he first discovered is closely connected to subtle movements that involve a network of interrelated tissues and fluids at the core of the body; including cerebrospinal fluid (the 'sap in the tree'), the central nervous system, the membranes that surround the central nervous system and the sacrum. Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy takes a whole-person approach to healing and the inter-connections of mind, body and spirit are deeply acknowledged. It is an effective form of treatment for a wide range of illnesses helping to create the optimal conditions for health, encouraging vitality and facilitating a sense of well-being. It is suitable for people of all ages including babies, children and the elderly, and can be effective in acute or chronic cases. Debra Farah is a trained therapist in Biodynamic Craniosacral, Massage and polarity therapy. For more information contact or 788-5911
People often come for stress relief and to maximize their health potential. Commonly they will also come seeking support with:
• Chronic Pain
• TMJ Dysfunction
• Spinal injuries
• Tinnitus
• Fertility support
• Anxiety/Stress
• Insomnia
• Headaches
• Neuralgia
• Digestive disorders
• Vertigo
• Fatigue/Depression
• Birth/Bonding
• Pregnancy/
• Whiplash
• Low back pain