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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Gordon No 2 in world indoor rankings



Lalonde Gor­don is this coun­try's high­est ranked ath­lete on lat­est IAAF World In­door rank­ings for 2012. Gor­don is No 2 in the men's 200m with his 20.58 clock­ing to win the event at Ter­ri­er Clas­sic in Boston, USA on Jan­u­ary 28. Zwede He­witt is at 51st with 21.19 which he set in the heats of the Big 12 In­door Cham­pi­onships in Texas on Feb­ru­ary 24. Gor­don is part of T&T's sev­en-mem­ber na­tion­al con­tin­gent due to par­tic­i­pate in the World In­door Cham­pi­onships in Is­tan­bul, Turkey this week­end. The 2010 Com­mon­wealth Games semi­fi­nal­ist is among five lo­cal quar­ter­mil­ers on the 400m stand­ings. The top lo­cal is 19-year-old De­on Lendore who is at 20th with 46.33 fol­low­ing his win at the Big 12 Cham­pi­onships for his Texas A&M Uni­ver­si­ty team in Texas on Feb­ru­ary 25. Gor­don is at 23rd (46.43), Jar­rin Solomon 30th (46.55), Ren­ny Quow 40th (46.70) and He­witt 90th (47.18).S olomon and Quow are al­so on the World In­door team. Dou­ble Olympic sil­ver medal­list Richard Thomp­son is at num­ber eleven in the men's 60m stand­ing af­ter he clocked 6.56 in the heats of the Tyson In­vi­ta­tion­al on Feb­ru­ary 11. The out­ing is the lone in­door ap­pear­ance for the na­tion­al 100m record hold­er as he is like­ly to fo­cus his at­ten­tion on the out­door sea­son.

Thomp­son is joint 11th with re­gion­al sprint­ers Ke­mar Hy­man of the Cay­man Is­lands and Kim Collins of St Kitts and Nevis. Ke­ston Bled­man is at 36th af­ter he sped to 6.62 to win the Mill­rose Games 60m event on Feb­ru­ary 11. Marc Burns is down at 77th with his 6.64, clock­ing at the Auburn In­vi­ta­tion­al on Jan­u­ary 21 with Jamol James at 132nd with 6.72 (pb). World in­door se­lectee Ja­maal James is at 28th in the men's 800m per­for­mance list. Among the women, Cleopa­tra Borel is high­est placed at 15th in the women's shot put. The dou­ble Com­mon­wealth/Pam Amer­i­can Games medal­list threw the iron ball out to 18.35 at the Tyson In­vi­ta­tion­al. An­oth­er T&T throw­er, An­nie Alexan­der is at 26th with 17.70 (pb) set at the Auburn In­vi­ta­tion­al. Borel made the qual­i­fy­ing stan­dard for the World In­doors but opt­ed out to fo­cus her prepa­ra­tions for the 2012 Olympics in Lon­don, Eng­land in Ju­ly. Borel is a two time World In­door fi­nal­ist (2006-8th/2008-7th). Teenag­er Kai Selvon is at 21st in the women's 60m dash with a pb of 7.20 in tak­ing the SEC in­door ti­tle for her school Auburn on Feb­ru­ary 26. Selvon is al­so 29th in the 200m with 23.52. The For­mer El Do­ra­do Sec­ondary stu­dent was sec­ond at the SEC cham­pi­onships event in 23.15 but the time was run on an over­sized track. World In­door cam­paign­er Alee­sha Bar­ber is at 60th in the women's 60m hur­dles with 8.17 set in South Car­oli­na, USA on Jan­u­ary 29. Reign­ing Com­mon­weath women's triple jump sil­ver medal­list Ayan­na Alexan­der is at 54th in the women's triple jump with 13.68 and 2010 dou­ble Carif­ta sil­ver medal­list Sparkle Mc Knight is at 87th in the women's 400m with 53.78.

TT Ath­letes on IAAF World In­door Rank­ings



1 Trell Kim­mons USA 6.45

2 Lerone Clarke JAM 6.47

2 Justin Gatlin JAM 6.47

11 Richard Thomp­son T&T 6.56

36 Ke­ston Bled­man T&T 6.62

48 Marc Burns T&T 6.64

132 Jamol James T&T 6.72


1 Demetrius Pin­der BAH 20.50

2 Lalonde Gor­don T&T 20.58

2 Gil Roberts USA 20.58

51 Zwede He­witt T&T 21.19


1 Ki­rani James GRN 45.19

2 Gil Roberts T&T 45.39

3 Demetrius Pin­der BAH 45.40

20 De­on Lendore T&T 46.33

23 Lalonde Gor­don T&T 46.43

30 Jar­rin Solomon T&T 46.55

40 Ren­ny Quow T&T 46.70

90 Zwede He­witt T&T 47.18


1 Adam Ksz­cot POL 1:44:57

2 Mo­hammed Aman ETH 1:45:40

3 Marcin Lewandows­ki POL 1:45:41

28 Ja­maal James T&T 1:47:66

60m Hur­dles

1 Dex­ter Faulk USA 7.40

2 Xi­ang Lui CHN 7.41

3 Aries Mer­ritt USA 7.43

55 Wayne Davis T&T 7.74

77 Durell Bus­by T&T 7.79

82 Mikel Thomas 7.80



1 Tian­na Madi­son USA 7.02

2 L Jones-Fer­rette USVI 7.05

3 Bar­bara Pierre USA 7.06

21 Kai Selvon T&T 23.52

101 Se­moy Hack­ett T&T 7.36


1 Ka­maria Brown USA 22.86

2 Pa­tri­cia Hall JAM 22.88

3 Al­li­son Pe­ters USVI 23.11

29 Kai Selvon T&T 23.52


1 Sanya Richards-Ross USA 50.71

2 Alek­san­dra Fe­dori­va RUS 51.18

3 Va­nia Stam­bolo­va BUL 51.26

87 Sparkle McK­night 53.78

60m H

1 Kristi Castlin USA 7.84

2 Jes­si­ca En­nis GBR 7.87

3 Lo­lo Jones US­AU 7.89

60 Alee­sha Bar­ber 8.17

Triple Jump

1 Ol­ga Ry­pako­va KAZ 14.84

2 Ol­ha Saladuh UKR 14.79

3 Yeka­te­ri­na Kone­va RUS 14.60

54 Ayan­na Alexan­der T&T 13.68

Shot Put

1 Nadzeya Ostapchuk BLR 20.70

2 J Ca­mare­na-Williams USA 19.89

3 Yev­geniya Kolod­ko RUS 19.47

15 Cleopa­tra Borel T&T 18.35

26 An­nie Alexan­der T&T 17.70

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