The Amazing Spider-Man scored big on its opening day at the Digicel IMAX Theatre, One Woodbrook Place, on Wednesday. Excited young and not-so-young fans turned up to take in the highly-anticipated superhero movie on the 40 x 70 foot 3D screen. Specially invited guests, including the media, were among those who viewed the film, which stars Andrew Garfield as SpiderMan (Peter Parker), Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy, Parker's high school crush, and Rhys Ifans as Dr Curt Connnors. The movie holds the highest opening in box office history in the US, raking in an impressive US $35 million. Movie critics foresee continued success throughout the coming weeks.
IMAX chief executive officer, Ingrid Jahra, stated that she was happy with the turnout for the movie's launch and said it had officially kicked off the July/August vacation. "I think it will do very well," Jhara said in a report. "The opening day has so far been very good." In 2010, Sony Pictures Entertainment announced the cancellation of Spider-Man 4 and opted to introduce a new cast and crew. Packed with web swinging and high jumping action, the movie did not disappoint. It cost an estimated US $215,000,000 to film, is based on Marvel Comics' Spider-Man and is filled with tongue in cheek humour. Directed by Marc Webb (no pun intended), the film tells the story of Parker's journey to uncover the truth behind the deaths of his parents. On that journey, he also discovers his superhero powers and is forced to make some difficult decisions which have serious repercussions for those closest to him. Sony has already announced a sequel to the movie, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, which is set to hit US theatres on May 2, 2014.
Business has been good
Equipped with laser aligned surround sound, IMAX can accommodate 364 patrons and provides the viewer with the ultimate cinema experience for $75. Since opening its doors in August last year, IMAX continues to enjoy a steady flow of patrons, "more than 100,000," noted Jahra. "We were the top performing theatre in Latin America and the Caribbean for the Avengers movie. We don't know what Spider-Man will bring yet but I'm sure it will do really good," she said. Expressing gratitude to her sponsors: Digicel, Atlantic, First Citizens, Carib and Ansa Automotive, for making the IMAX dream come alive, Jahra said she envisioned even bigger things for Imax in the future. Does this mean there will soon be another IMAX in Trinidad? "It's difficult to have two screens with a population of only 1.3 million. It may not be successfully viable," she said. "But, we'll see."