I must commend the Government, MP Jack Warner, the Minister of Works, the mayor of Cha- guanas and the workers of the borough corporation for their forward thinking in making Ramsaran Road in Chaguanas into a boulevard. However, I am surprised that the building contractor is still using backward technology in an urban area. When you consider the inconvenience in terms of time to businesses situated along that road and to daily traffic by using the old method of building the pavement drain with concrete blocks, steel, cement and manual labour, this boulevard project may take up to three years given our weather conditions.
This old method of building pavement drains is more appropriate to rural areas where there is less business activity and less traffic on the road. Out of curiosity I did some research and found that a local company has precast concrete pavement drains which are fitted with concrete theft-proof covers that can be opened for cleaning the drain. By using this precast drain on both sides of the boulevard, the work could be completed in three months as opposed to three years. with less cost and less inconvenience to business places and road traffic. The Government can save time and money and and avoid much inconvenience to citizens by using precast drains in all urban and suburban areas throughout the country. The old building method should still be used in rural areas where they need to create employment and inconvenience is not a big factor.
Jeff Naipaul