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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Kes the Band prepares to ignite NYC on Easter Weekend



Fresh off a crit­i­cal­ly ac­claimed Car­ni­val sea­son, Kes the Band will be per­form­ing on April 24 at the deluxe mid­town Man­hat­tan hotspot, Am­ne­sia NYC.Tout­ed as the "the fu­ture of so­ca" by the genre's icon, Machel Mon­tano, the event, KES 360, will show­case the band's unique fu­sion of ca­lyp­so, rock, pop, soul and so­ca sounds.Pa­trons will be treat­ed to the band's past and present hits, in­clud­ing Right Dey, Thun­der, the tech­no in­fused 2011 smash Where Yuh From, and the award win­ning Wot­less that earned lead vo­cal­ist Kees Di­ef­fen­thaller the 2011 Groovy So­ca Monarch ti­tle.

"Over the years, our fan base has grown con­sid­er­ably across North Amer­i­ca, and NYC has al­ways been a huge mar­ket for any Caribbean act. It's time for New York to re­al­ly get to know who Kees is!" Di­ef­fen­thaller said.Kes the Band has per­formed in sev­er­al coun­tries and con­ti­nents, shared stages with glob­al chart-top­pers the likes of Ma­roon 5, John Leg­end, and Ri­han­na, and re­cent­ly had their songs fea­tured in all the Six Flags theme parks in the US and on the Amer­i­can Air­lines in flight en­ter­tain­ment ser­vice.

For more in­for­ma­tion vis­it HY­PER­LINK "", e-mail HY­PER­LINK "mail­to:in­"in­ or call 347-225-5539, 347-262-2577, 718-541-1073 or 917-570-8654.

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