Adonai, Days of Elijah, Swing Low Sweet Chariot; on Sundays, congregations sing such songs which pay homage to the Almighty-via the genre of gospel music.Former 1994 calypso monarch Franz Lambkin (Delamo) cum gospel artiste has lent his voice and talent to the chorus of voices paying reverence to the Creator.Lambkin will launch his Gospel CD, Delamo Sings For The Lord on Good Friday.On Wednesday, Lambkin stressed he had clung steadfastly to the indigenous calypso art form. But he described his offerings as "anointed calypsoes."He said: "I am now singing anointed calypsoes for the honour and glory of God. It is not about entertainment anymore and self-glorification. It's about ministry."He added: "I have been given a mandate by the Holy Spirit.The words were, "There are not enough indigenous songs of praise and worship. Reach up to me in the high heavens."I am not a God of confusion. If I wanted reggae, I would have raised you up in Jamaica."If I wanted R&B, I would have raised you up in America. I am not attacking any form of music. It's just my mandate is singing anointed calypsoes. The cry of man is the cry of God."Lambkin made it abundantly clear he was not attacking calypso music or his peers in the entertainment fraternity.
Called to music ministry
Labelling himself a "force ripe Christian," Lambkin said: "This is my fifth year. I didn't know when I was called from the established music fraternity, it would have been a music ministry."I kept silent in church for two years; until I was called spiritually."Lambkin could not resist the call of the Lord to take the gospel to the nations. He noted there was a dearth where he had once been prolific.He had written for fellow entertainers including Baron, Explainer, Marcia Miranda and Rikki Jai.Lambkin said: "My creative talent had dried up in the carnal world. I used to write about 50 compositions a year. It whittled to about two."
When he composed Christian music, he produced an avalanche."When I got called in the Spirit, ideas were coming into my head. Before, I didn't have the capacity. I would start writing a song and by morning I would have written five songs."Lambkin admitted to enjoying carousing and revelry during Carnivalesque celebrations."The Carnival season encouraged or created the perfect climate for me to get involved in sinful activity. It is written if your eye offend thee; pluck it out. And, so I did."But he never denigrates the art form.
Lambkin feels calypso music could be futuristic in musical expressions directed toward the throne of God.He said: "I'm convinced in the future the music which would be used to offer praise in Jerusalem. When Jesus comes again it is going to be calypso music."With that mandate, I am a gospelypso artiste. I am singing calypso for God's honour and glory. Calypso Big Truck would be going to Jerusalem to worship. It's the only music that inclines a person to raise their hands skywards in praise."
Sodom and Gomorrah
During his career, Lamkin was renowned for spiritual songs like Sodom and Gomorrah-which took a "lagge" against some individual's sexual orientation.In 1979, the commentary earned him Most Promising Calypsonian.The Biblical story says God destroyed the twin cities renowned for sexual excesses. As they fled, Lot's materialistic wife was turned to a pillar of salt.Lambkin said: "I had spiritual songs like Armageddon and Prophets."A shard of light hit him. "It was well intentioned. But not anointed. As a Christian, I discovered good works are as filthy rags."His legions of adoring fans often give him fatigue. "People say: 'Delamo, why you stop singing? You never sang smut.'"I reply, 'It wasn't anointed.'"He retained the Delamo sobriquet-which is an abbreviation of Lambkin. "The name was given to me by the late Art De Couteaux."I was prepared for my Ministry... as Delamo. It's like Moses when he forsook Egypt's treasures and fled to the land of Midian. The encounter with the burning bush was meant to prepare him for ministry. It was meant to prepare him to stand before the great Pharoah."