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Monday, March 24, 2025

Moonilal alleges minister collecting bribes for work permits


2 days ago
UNC deputy political leader Dr Roodal Moonilal speaks with Jack Warner at the UNC’s Pavement Report on Thursday evening.

UNC deputy political leader Dr Roodal Moonilal speaks with Jack Warner at the UNC’s Pavement Report on Thursday evening.



Unit­ed Na­tion­al Con­gress deputy leader Roodal Mooni­lal has al­leged that a min­is­ter is “col­lect­ing bribes” for is­su­ing work per­mits and the Unit­ed States au­thor­i­ties are on “the tracks” of the sit­u­a­tion.

Mooni­lal raised the is­sue at a po­lit­i­cal meet­ing in Tu­na­puna on Thurs­day.

He ques­tioned why Young had put to­geth­er his team with cer­tain min­is­ters.

He al­leged, “What you bring dem back for? I want to tell you, un­der a UNC gov­ern­ment no min­is­ter will be col­lect­ing bribes for is­su­ing work per­mits.

“The min­is­ter who is do­ing that is known and the Amer­i­can au­thor­i­ties know who it is. They are on the tracks, I say no more about that—at this time.”

Yes­ter­day, how­ev­er, Mooni­lal did not re­ply to Guardian Me­dia queries on who the min­is­ter is, when the al­leged ac­tion was done, how many/what kind of per­mits are in­volved, how it was found out, any proof/doc­u­ments on the is­sue, or word from US au­thor­i­ties on their “track­ing.”

Mooni­lal on­ly said, “I’ll re­veal more soon.”

How­ev­er, var­i­ous Gov­ern­ment of­fi­cials in­volved with the per­mit sys­tem dis­missed Mooni­lal’s claims.

Mooni­lal al­so claimed Gov­ern­ment had on­ly out­fit­ted one floor out of the 13 floors in the Port-of-Spain Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal Cen­tral Block for the re­cent com­mis­sion­ing cer­e­mo­ny. He said the North West Re­gion­al Health Au­thor­i­ty (NWRHA), which boast­ed of build­ing the Cen­tral block, al­so rent­ed a Dere Street build­ing for $400,000 month­ly. He claimed the NWRHA al­so paid $13 mil­lion to out­fit the pri­vate build­ing, with $100,000 ex­tra for main­te­nance and the $400,000 rent.

“NWRHA, tell us who owns that build­ing and if the own­ers had any­thing to do with the con­struc­tion of PNM’s Bal­isi­er House head­quar­ters. If they fail to tell you the own­ers, I’ll tell you who owns the build­ing,” Mooni­lal added.

Mooni­lal al­so slammed Young’s ap­point­ment of Arthur Bar­ring­ton as the Strate­gic Ser­vices Agency (SSA) head. “They’re go­ing to give us this man to work with for three years? Not a hell of that,” he said.

He said Bar­ring­ton and T&T De­fence Force com­man­der Hay­den Pritchard had done a re­port on the is­suance of firearms. He claimed Pritchard didn’t sign the re­port but Bar­ring­ton did.

“That led to the un­der­min­ing of the Po­lice Ser­vice Com­mis­sion, Po­lice Com­mis­sion­er and TTPS—it did ma­jor dam­age to three ma­jor in­sti­tu­tions,” he al­leged.

Mooni­lal claimed Bar­ring­ton was “sign­ing off on a re­port that cast as­per­sions on po­lice of­fi­cers to sat­is­fy a high for­mer Gov­ern­ment of­fi­cial.

“To­day, he’s re­ward­ed as SSA di­rec­tor ... he’ll give Row­ley and Young what they want …and they’re des­per­ate! They’ll hound down Op­po­si­tion mem­bers us­ing the SSA,” Mooni­lal al­leged.

“I call on Mr Young and the Gov­ern­ment, cease and de­sist from mak­ing ap­point­ments to the gov­ern­ment ser­vice when you’re weeks away from a gen­er­al elec­tion and a change of gov­er­nance is im­mi­nent. You ought not to be mak­ing ap­point­ments like that when you’re chang­ing gov­ern­ments.

“Mr Bar­ring­ton is known and he can­not sit as SSA head in the cir­cum­stances we find our­selves in.”

Mooni­lal al­so wel­comed Wendy Lewis, the for­mer pro­to­col of­fi­cer of for­mer PNM prime min­is­ter Patrick Man­ning. He said Lewis was help­ing San Fer­nan­do East can­di­date John Al­i­bo­cus. He said, “Every day, ‘Stu­art Young’s army’ is be­ing de­plet­ed. Wendy and many oth­ers are join­ing us.”

‘PNM change skin but same snake’

Mooni­lal said of Young, “You can’t com­pare him to UNC leader Kam­la Per­sad-Bisses­sar, Young has all the charm of Han­ni­bal Lecter … you can’t un­bul­ly your­self sir …!

“The fel­la was in high school and his name was in ‘The Mir­ror’ news­pa­per! I couldn’t be­lieve when you in high school you could make pa­pers for bul­ly­ing a stu­dent and caus­ing them to drop out and be de­nied the right to do their ex­ams. Stu­art Young did that and he’s no dif­fer­ent to­day!”

He added, “Young says it’s a ‘new Chap­ter’ for PNM but that’s a new chap­ter in an old dis­gust­ing book … they change the skin but it’s the same snake —same PNM.”

Not­ing Young, who suc­ceed­ed PM Dr Kei­th Row­ley, is now en­ti­tled to a life­time pen­sion of $87,000 month­ly, Mooni­lal added that the pen­sion sys­tem is a ”trav­es­ty of democ­ra­cy” and the UNC’s at­tor­neys must de­vise changes to the law on this.

He said Young would have the short­est tenure pe­ri­od for a PM when of­fi­cial pho­tos with terms of prime min­is­ter are put up.

“He won’t see in­side the Par­lia­ment as prime min­is­ter, as Par­lia­ment has dis­solved and the new PNM cab­i­net is split,” he claimed.

“Young can­not run T&T for 24 hours af­ter his ap­point­ment and now he com­ing to tell you give him five years…? That fel­la name Vish­nu Dhan­paul, he’ll be­come the first Fi­nance Min­is­ter of T&T nev­er to de­liv­er a Bud­get speech!”

Mooni­lal al­so said Young had “put his tail be­tween his legs” and con­ced­ed to Per­sad-Bisses­sar’s pres­sure that T&T must have in­ter­nal ob­servers for the elec­tion.

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